1. mountdebugfs1.1 nodebugfs1.2 mount mount -tdebugfsnone /sys/kernel/debug2.usbtest 2.1cat/sys/kernel/debug/usb/deviceswe can know that host has two roothub and one mouse device. 2.2 dwc3 linux usb host调试手段 debugfsmount -tdebugfsnone /sys/kernel/debugcat/sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices...
sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices 5,接下来安装minicom,打开ttyACM设备:6,进入AT后执行常规...
cat /sys/kernel/debug/rknpu/version # 查看电源状态 cat /sys/kernel/debug/rknpu/power # 查看NPU使用率,需要root权限 cat /sys/kernel/debug/rknpu/load # 查看NPU可用的频率,然后设置频率 cat /sys/class/devfreq/fdab0000.npu/available_frequencies echo...
Linux Kernel支持的休眠方式,可以使用想下面命令查看: 1 cat /sys/power/state /sys/power/state文件用于将系统置于指定的电源状态(freeze,standby, mem, disk),有些系统是不会全部有的,一般会有其中一种或者几种。用户空间往该文件写入特定的电源状态字符串,将会把系统置为该模式,这几种状态的解释如下: freez...
get_usb_device() pid = device.spawn(["com.example"]) # or .get_frontmost_application() session = device.attach(pid) script = session.create_script(frida_script) script.on('message', on_message) script.load() device.resume(pid) sys.stdin.read() $ sort /tmp/log | uniq -c | sort...
Fixes#I94HS4:[CT][MS][aclnn][aclnncat] The cat has error when input bfloat16 on 910B#I99XWK:[CT][MS][dynamic_shape]图模式下Get value failed, there is no any value in KernelTensor Code review checklist【代码检视checklist说明】: ...
08-06 01:31:45.511 1197 1197 W DockObserver: This kernel does not have dock station support 08-06 01:31:45.511 1197 1197 I SystemServer: StartWiredAccessoryManager 08-06 01:31:45.511 1197 1197 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have usb audio support ...
系统所有应用内存消耗命令: adb shell dumpsys meminfo adb shell bugreport 当我们手机突然报错或者anr 直接终端输入adb shell bugreport就会打印出相对比较全的日志信息。 adb shell dmesg 手机查看内核信息可以使用此命令 三、注意事项 1.Adb连接 USB连接手机后,发现ADB连接不上 ...
Please put the jumper cap on C and connect the USB TO UART interface of SIM7600X to the USB port of a computer or Linux board such as Raspberry Pi through USB type to micro USB to send commands to debug: Question:What is the role of the AUX antenna, can not connect the MAIN antenn...
04-15 21:21:46.505 I/ ( 0): Kernel command line: rcupdate.rcu_expedited=1 rcu_nocbs=0-7 cgroup.memory=nokmem,nosocket rootwait ro init=/init androidboot.bootdevice=1d84000.ufshc androidboot.baseband=sdm androidboot.keymaster=1 msm_drm.dsi_display0=dsi_s6e3hc2_cmd_display:config0 andro...