LAW:TheViennaConventiononDiplomaticRelationsandtheVienna ConventiononConsularRelationsprovideimmunitytoforeignstate propertyusedforactivitiesjureimperii(governmental)butnotforproperty usedforactivitiesjuregestionis(commercial).UKandGermancaselaw haveheldthatembassybankaccountsareimmunefromjudgment. ...
The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide has surpassed 165 million, with more than 3.4 million deaths, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Here is the latest: TheChinese mainlandreported 24 COVID-19 cases on Thursday, all from overseas. Japanis li...
Stars are (as far as we know) never involved in, say, illegally transporting gold Krugerrands from South Africa under the cover of diplomatic immunity. No, they are just as petty as the rest of us – that’s what makes them relatable. Well, except for the “routinely h...