为规范病例报告写作,提升病例报告质量,多学科专家共同制定了病例报告指南(CAse REport guidelines, CARE)。 为帮助临床工作者用对、用好CARE指南这一工具,AME出版社特别推出《病例报告撰写规范CARE解读》。本书以编辑视角展开,深入解析CARE报告指南13个条目的含义和要求,同时辅以具有代表性的实际案例,不仅指出案例的亮点,...
CARE (CAse REport) Guidelines: A Recipe for More Transparent Case Reportsdoi:10.4274/tao.2022.2022-01SCIENTIFIC knowledgeMEDICAL literatureMEDICAL publishingSCIENTIFIC communityURBAN healthBayram, AliTurkish Archives of Otolaryngology / Türk Otolarengoloji Arsivi...
下面我们就详细了解下CARE指南,这个指南共包括13条项目: 标题:应注明主要病灶的诊断或干预,并且说明是病例报告(The diagnosis or intervention of primary focus followed by the words “case report”) 关键词:本病例报告中2 - 5个确定诊断或干预措施的关键词,包括“病例报告”(2 to 5 key words that identify...
The CARE (CAse REport) guidelines and the standardization of case reports Case reports comprise the core of Journal of Medical Case Reports, are a time-honored tradition firmly established within the medical literature, and represent a growing importance of valuable clinical medical in... Authors...
The CARE (CAse REport) guidelines consist of a three-phase consensus-based process that involved 27 participants, all of whom have involvement in clinical case report writing and editing (including the authors of this editorial). The process included telephone interviews, a face-to-face meeting ...
lists such as the Case Report (CARE) guidelines because these focus on making diagnoses, whilst peri-operative case reports tend to focus on overcoming challenges. The title and summary/abstract should be finalised once the rest of the report is written, as they need to represent the ...
Keywords: Case report; Case study; EQUATOR network; Health research reporting guidelines; CARE guideline; Timelines; N-of-1 1. Introduction Case reports describe a patient’s medical problems and clinical management for scientific or educational purposes. ...
The CAse REport (CARE) guidelines checklist is structured to correspond with key components of a case report and capture useful clinical information (including ‘meaningful use’ information mandated by some insurance plans). The checklist begins with a statement that describes the narrative of a case...
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the different objectives for clinical case reports and to identify those subordinate items which seem most relevant from the CAse REport (CARE) checklist.关键词: CAse REport guidelines, CAse REports, Saudi Journal of Anesthesia ...
希望病例报告真实、发人深省。比如治疗婴儿血管瘤就是一个例子;随着病例报告的发表,成为了人们关注的焦点;此后,设计了大规模的实验研究。因此,案例报告有助于设计合理的方案,以开展高质量的科研工作,而CARE (CAse REport)是编写病例报告的指导原则。 简洁和清晰,是任何案例报告的两个先决条件。一份病例报告的各组成...