Check out the contenders, choose your winner, and check back for the official winner at the end of the week.
Mycarhas broken down?Se me ha averiado el carro Thecaris near exit number ...(US) Thecaris near junction number ...(UK)?El coche se encuentra cerca de la salida número ... Thecarwon't start?El carro no arranca Thecaris still under warranty?El carro sigue en garantía When...
European Road Trip Cars: Window Shop with C/D Cars We Missed Out On: Window Shop with C/D Ford Used-Car Website Adds 14-Day Test Drives Best of Cars from Songs: Window Shop with C/D Cars to Convert Non-Enthusiasts: Window Shopping ...
I had my t-shirt and flannel on under my driving suit and a hoodie over it. It’s chilly at 110mph with the top off. The first session, I caught up to a black R8. He pointed me by, then managed to keep up to me. That’s a much faster car than mine, and I reeled him in...
As the cars filtered past, suddenly there was an eerie silence as the last car in the race car conga line disappeared under the Dunlop bridge. Then from the direction of the start/finish line, a roar went up from the grandstands, just as the clock struck 3:00pm, signaling the start ...
Under the seat, he discovered a six-pack of Budweiser (百威啤酒). And he drank all six cans. He felt inside the car, found the keys, shouted, “Hooweece!” and fired it up.I have heard various versions of this story. They all boil down to this: the Ford’s engine roared. My ...
The range, officially estimated at 246 miles for the Taycan GTS, is more than adequate for daily driving, but it's also not difficult to exceed that when driving with a light foot. We reckon Porsche is underpromising here so that it can overdeliver on the real-world range. Plus, the ...
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 tram (trӕm)noun (alsoˈtramcar.Americanˈstreetcar) a long car running on rails and usually driv...
Under $50 + Easy to handle for kids Reasons to avoid - May have trouble on uneven ground - Batteries don't last long If you want an entry-level RC car to kickstart your collection, this BEZGAR off-road monster truck is a great option. Reviews say it's intuitive to use and has a ...
The work has been performed in the project ArchitectECA2030: Trustable architectures with acceptable residual risk for the electric, connected and automated cars, under grant agreement No 877539/8A20002. The work was co-funded by grants of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Rep...