(Biography)Karl von(karl fɔn). 1780–1831, Prussian general, noted for his works on military strategy, espVom Kriege(1833) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
[战争论(中文版-英文版-法文版-德文版)].Carl.von.Clausewitz.-.Vom.Kriege 星级: 545 页 中文版序——为德文版《中国园林》而作 星级: 1页 莫泊桑《项链》原文(中文版、法文版) 星级: 10 页 《致橡树》及解释(含英文版、法文版、日文版) 星级: 8页 中文版 英文版 星级: 6页 中文版 英文版...
intensiv mit dem Werk "Vom Kriege" auseinandergesetzt haben. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg avancierte Clausewitz neben Lenin zum wichtigsten militärtheoretischen Klassiker in der UdSSR. Zentrale Fragen der Strategie und der politischen Doktrin wurden bis 1991 mit Clausewitz Begriffsinstrumentarium disku...
More Guidance:Which translation of Clausewitz doyouhave?It matters. NOTE:Amazon's recommendations are random and many available texts of Clausewitz'sOn War(Vom Kriege) are worthless. For more detailed guidance on texts by or about Clausewitz, in several languages, seeour bookstoresandbibliographies....
Carl von Clausewitz was a Prussian military thinker who wrote what is probably the first corpus of military theories based on a combination of rigorous logical analysis and practical experience. His principal ideas and concepts are captured in On War (Vom Kriege), the first edition of which was...
“VomVomKriegeKriege””oror““OnWarOnWar””.. VonClausewitzVonClausewitz’’sstrategiesofwarinfluencedmanyleaderssstrategiesofwarinfluencedmanyleadersafterhistimeandstillinfluencemanynationstoday.afterhistimeandstillinfluencemanynationstoday.GeneralStrategyGeneralStrategy VonClausewtizstatedinhisgeneralstrategythat...
Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online.Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz was a Prussian soldier, military historian and military theorist. He is most famous for his military treatise Vom Kriege, translated into...