knowledge, this case was the first to be described as “true” Tertiary HPT with multiple parathyroid adenomas, Secondary hyperplasia of the remaining two parathyroid glands and a PTH level reaching 4267.2 pg/mL. For clearn...
个案护理是针对临床实践中某个或几个具有特殊性或典型代表的成功案例,总结在护理工作中的经验体会,是对一个病例深入剖析,以探索疾病在医护工作中的个性特征和共性规律。 近年来,越来越多的医学期刊要求作者提交病例报告时,参照并采用CAseREport(CARE)checklist 指南(...
近年来,越来越多的医学期刊要求作者提交病例报告时,参照幵采用CAse REport(CARE)checklist指南(后附译文),本文就病例报告文章结构、 涵盖内容及写作技巧加以总结,以期对作者撰写呾投稿病例报告时提供有 益帮劣。 v病例报告文章结构: 1文题: 文题是正文内容的浓缩,应简洁明了、突出主题,吸引读者关注呾兴趣, 大多数...
The process included telephone interviews, a face-to-face meeting and, finally, a refined checklist of 13 items that should comprise a case report. Throughout the entire process, we were all asked what information was required in case-reporting guidelines, the rationale for our suggestions, and...
临床病例报告(case report)是一种比较基础的科研论文类型,是对一例或数例、存在一定稀有性的、独特的临床病案进行详细描述。撰写病例报告的写作指南( CAse REport guidelines )简称为CARE。 为什么要撰写病例报告? 临床病例报告位于循证医学(evidence-based medicine)证据等级金字塔的底部,提供临床疑难、罕见病症的表现、...
当然了,写好一篇case report也不是那么简单的,每种类型文章大都有指南规范,case report的指南为CARE (CARE Checklist of information to include when writing a case report)。根据指南要点来收集资料和撰写,说不定能事半功倍呢。 下面我们就详细了解下CARE指南,这个指南共包括13条项目: ...
using a modified Delphi process to generate items for a case report checklist, (2) a consensus meeting to draft reporting guidelines for case reports, and (3) a postmeeting evaluation, finalization, and publication of the reporting guidelines for ...
of (a) pre-meeting literature review and interviews to generate items for the reporting guidelines; (b) a face-to-face consensus meeting to draft the reporting guidelines; and (c) post-meeting feedback, review, and pilot testing, followed by finalization of the case report guidelines. Results...
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the different objectives for clinical case reports and to identify those subordinate items which seem most relevant from the CAse REport (CARE) checklist.关键词: CAse REport guidelines, CAse REports, Saudi Journal of Anesthesia ...
The CAse REport (CARE) guidelines checklist is structured to correspond with key components of a case report and capture useful clinical information (including ‘meaningful use’ information mandated by some insurance plans). The checklist begins with a statement that describes the narrative of a case...