而病例报告指南(CAse REport guidelines,CARE),便如这名“哨兵”手里的工具、“宝箱”,帮助其有据可循,使其报告既要点突出,又详尽无遗,且精准无误。 一、病例报告:科学研究与临床诊治的“哨兵” 20世纪60年代前,沙利度胺因被认...
临床病例报告(case report)是一种比较基础的科研论文类型,是对一例或数例、存在一定稀有性的、独特的临床病案进行详细描述。撰写病例报告的写作指南( CAse REport guidelines )简称为CARE。 为什么要撰写病例报告? 临床病例报告位于循证医学(evidence-based medicine)证据等级金字塔的底部,提供临床疑难、罕见病症的表现、...
需要特别提醒的是,勿忘case report这个关键词。 参考文献(向上滑动阅读) [1]Seguel-Moraga P,Onetto JE,E Uribe S. Reporting quality of case reports about dental trauma published in international journals 2008-2018 assessed by ...
需要特别提醒的是,勿忘case report这个关键词。 参考文献(向上滑动阅读) [1]Seguel-Moraga P,Onetto JE,E Uribe S. Reporting quality of case reports about dental trauma published in international journals 2008-2018 assessed by CARE guidelines[J]. Dental Traumatology,2021,37(2):345-353. [3]De Vito...
作为传播交流临床实践经验的重要载体,病例报告因其能启发科研思路,为个体化治疗提供范例或参考等,日益得到学界重视。然而,病例报告在发表数量日渐庞大的同时,其质量却参差不齐。为规范病例报告写作,提升病例报告质量,多学科专家共同制定了病例报告指南(CAse REport guidelines, CARE)。
CARE (CAse REport) Guidelines: A Recipe for More Transparent Case Reportsdoi:10.4274/tao.2022.2022-01SCIENTIFIC knowledgeMEDICAL literatureMEDICAL publishingSCIENTIFIC communityURBAN healthBayram, AliTurkish Archives of Otolaryngology / Türk Otolarengoloji Arsivi...
2023病例报告撰写CARE规范指南(完整版) 病例报告(Casereport) 作为一种记录临床观察的方法,能及时向医务人员提供有价值的信息,特 别是罕见疾病,可为同行展示在类似情冴下是如何行劢的,分享最佳做法 来帮劣决策诊治过程。 个案护理是针对临床实践中某个戒几个具有特殊性戒典型代表的成功案 例,总结在护理工作中的经...
The CARE (CAse REport) guidelines and the standardization of case reports Case reports comprise the core of Journal of Medical Case Reports, are a time-honored tradition firmly established within the medical literature, and represent a growing importance of valuable clinical medical in... Authors...
The process included telephone interviews, a face-to-face meeting and, finally, a refined checklist of 13 items that should comprise a case report. Throughout the entire process, we were all asked what information was required in case-reporting guidelines, the rationale for our suggestions, and...
Keywords: Case report; Case study; EQUATOR network; Health research reporting guidelines; CARE guideline; Timelines; N-of-1 1. Introduction Case reports describe a patient’s medical problems and clinical management for scientific or educational purposes. ...