Carboxylic acidCarboxylic acid 分类:芳香酸与脂肪酸 / N 元酸 / 饱和酸与不饱和酸 物理性质:二缔体使得羧酸有更高的稳定性。 脂肪酸二元酸规律:奇数 C 原子的二元酸比少一个 C 原子的偶数碳二元酸的溶解度较高, 熔点较低。 羧酸及羧酸盐的结构:羰基碳是 sp2 杂化的。羧酸盐的 COO-的电子轨道是 4 电子...
1、第十四章 羧酸(Carboxylic acid),一、结构和命名,两个碳氧键键长不同,四电子三中心的分子轨道 两个碳氧键键长等同。,1.酸性 2.-H活泼 RCH2COOH 3.缔和(二聚),结构,命名 1.习惯命名法 与醛的命名法相似 以相应的烃基命名,用 标记取代基位置。,甲酸 乙酸 丙烯酸 异丁酸 苯甲酸 formic acid acetic ...
羧酸Carboxylicacid.ppt,一、羧酸的分类和命名 根据烃基不同可以分为:脂肪族羧酸; 脂环族羧酸; 芳香族羧酸。 根据烃基是否饱和分为:饱和羧酸; 不饱和羧酸。 根据分子中所含羧基的数目又可分为 一元酸、二元酸和多元酸等。 不饱和羧酸的命名 选取含双键和羧基在内的最长链作
1-hydroxy organic -1,1-diphosphonic acids - prepn from phosphorus trihalide and carboxylic acid separating org halide phaseTitle cpds. halide phase before cooling. aliphatic carboxylic acid with PCl3 or PBr3 at 10 degrees-80 degrees C in mole ratio of 2:1 to form a liquid reaction product, ...
acidcarboxyliccooh第十四rcoohrch 第十四章羧酸(Carboxylicacid)RCOHO酰基羧基一、结构和命名RCOOHsp2RCOOH两个碳氧键键长不同RCOO-COO四电子三中心的 分子轨道两个碳氧键键长等同。1.酸性2.α-H活泼RCH2COOH3.缔和(二聚)CH3COOHOHOCCH3结构命名1.习惯命名法与醛的命名法相似以相应的烃基命名,用αβγδ…标记...
CHAPTER 11 CARBOXYLIC ACID Chapter11CarboxylicAcidandSubstitutedCarboxylicAcid CarboxylGroup:R-COOH (H3C)2HCH2CCH3CHCOOH 布洛芬抗炎镇痛药 COOHOCOCH3 阿司匹林解热镇痛药 I、ClassificationandNomenclature Classification 结构AliphaticSaturatedAromaticUnsaturated 数目:一、二元(mono/dicarboxylicacid)、多元(poly-)取代...
1-hydroxy organic 1,1-diphosphonic acids - prepn from phosphorus trihalide and aliphatic carboxylic acid separating org halideTitle cpds. (I) are prepd. by (a) reacting a lower aliphatic carboxylic acid with PCl3 or PBr3 at 10 degrees - 80 degrees C in mole ratio of 2:1 to form a ...
of formula (II). The cpds. (II) are reacted with a base to yield 2,2-dimethyl-3-(2,2-dihalovinyl)cyclopropanecarboxylic acid derivs. (I) which are known insecticides. where X is the same or different halogen atom; one of R1 and R2 is Cl or Br and the other is -CH2COOR3 (...
The hydrolysis of the product of the first example to the corresponding acid is also described.ALSO:The invention comprises a process for the manufacture of compounds of the formula indicated, wherein n is 0, 1, 2 or 3 and R (reading from left to right) is the methyl group and is ...
Bicyclohexane derivatives and their use in preparing cyclopropane carboxylic acid - Krief - 1992 () Citation Context ...ion of isopropyl alcohol to furan-2(5H)-one afforded 4-(1'-hydroxy-1'-methylethyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-one (3). The alcohol 3 was directly converted into 4-(1'-bromo-1'...