Paclitaxelisavesicant(Group5) Premedication30minutespriortopaclitaxel:Chlorphenamine10mgIV,dexamethasone 8mgIVandranitidine50mgIV. 30minutespriortocarboplatin:oral5HT 3 antagonist(accordingtolocal preference) EmetogenicityThisregimenhasmoderateemetogenicpotential–refertolocalprotocol ...
Transplacental transfer of paclitaxel, docetaxel, carboplatin, and trastuzumab in a baboon model. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2010;20(9):1456–64. PubMed Google Scholar Pascual MJ, Macias RI, Garcia-Del-Pozo J, Serrano MA, Marin JJ. Enhanced efficiency of the placental barrier to cisplatin ...
2.10. Western Blot and Antibodies For harvesting cells from the Matrigel bed of static cultures, the medium was removed and the cells were incubated with pre-chilled Cell Recovery Solution (Corning, 354253) according to the manufacturer's protocol at 4◦C for two h on a horizontal shaker at...