在CAN数据库中的信号可以定义为intel或motorola处理器的字节序,它用来区分消息中信号的字节排序情况。 Byte order for Motorola processors (Big Endian) Byte order for Intel processors (Little Endian) Bit significance (Bit Order) Within a byte the significance of bits is the same in both formats msb: ...
CAN通讯矩阵之Intel格式与Motorola格式 参考博客:Intel格式与Motorola格式的区别。 主要是对上面提到的博客做下笔记,结合其他文章,转化为自己的理解写下来。(注:直接阅读链接博客时,请结合评论内容理解,博客内使用的图片有误。) 1.多数厂商定义的CAN总线字节发送顺序均为先发送LSB,最后发送MSB。即:首先发送byte0(LSB...
Byte order for Motorola processors (Big Endian)Byte order for Intel processors (Little Endian)Bit significance (Bit Order)Within a byte the significance of bits is the same in both formats msb: most significant bit; lsb: least significant bit Bit Indication The bits of a message have following...
Byte order Motorola (big endian) isn’t used in LIN networks.zByte order for Motorola processors (Big Endian)MSB: most significant byte; LSB: least significant bytezByte order for Intel processors (Little Endian)MSB: most significant byte; LSB: least significant byte...
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