If you have government student loans, you get 6 months of breathing room (aka “moratorium”) where you do not have to make payments.IF,on the other other hand, you have private bank student loans or a student line of credit, there is no pleasant announcement for you. If you run a s...
CRA representatives confirmed that taxpayers impacted by the change in the s. 127(9) definition of government assistance may submit amended tax returns with their revised SR&ED forms for the years affected even where their SR&ED reporting deadline has passed, provided that the taxation year is ...
no responsibility for weather or ski conditions at time of travel; nor responsibility for losses or other expenses due to delay or changes in air schedules or other services including, but not limited to weather, sickness, strikes, terrorism, war, quarantine, lockouts, and/or government action....
Collateral received is comprised of debt obligations of the Government of Canada and other countries, Canadian provincial and municipal governments, and financial institutions. (f) Offsetting Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Statement of Financial Position ...
increasing GST/HST/other sales taxes - and taxing income less (see, for example, Achou et al ungatedhere). But while the right tax policy choices might be fairly clear, how to implement them is less so. For a government, increasing the GST is political suicide. The big tax policy quest...
“Our government is thrilled that Stripe has chosen to expand into Ontario for its first Canadian office, and we want to congratulate them on this milestone,” said Vic Fedeli, Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. “Ontario is home to the world’s most talented wo...
Collateral received is comprised of debt obligations of the Government of Canada and other countries, Canadian provincial and municipal governments, and financial institutions. (f) Offsetting Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Statement of Financial Position ...
Collateral received is comprised of debt obligations of the Government of Canada and other countries, Canadian provincial and municipal governments, and financial institutions. (f) Offsetting Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Statement of Financial Position ...