RDR2 used subtle nuances in its stranger missions, and each of them was filled with interesting narratives and characters, both of which GTA 6 needs.
Given how highly detailed RDR2’s open world is, Grand Theft Auto 6's map could stand to learn a thing or two from the game’s success. Even more, the developers at Rockstar could potentially reuse the RDR2 map in their upcoming Grand Theft Auto sequel, which would give players the o...
I cant find another, exactly as this 8gb expansion. There is only 3200 or 2600 variations. So if you want to comfort game - it's will be. Comfort and beautiful game on ultra settings - possible, if turn perfomance mode / dsr / tweaks. But i really think - that game is beatiful ...
Below you can find an example from Alexander Blade's trainer. Please note that the global is outdated, however, and I doubt it works on the current version. You would find a more up to date script with the current version of look through the decompiled medium_update source yourself to ...
With the game requiring a significant amount of HD space, you might find yourself short on your existing HDD or SSD. If so, check the PCGamesN buyers guide for the best SSD for gaming or just check the latest, best prices for SSDs. How to improve RDR2 performance Read Dead Redemption...
Buy-to-Let Can Still Be Lucrative Move
Damn, it’s pretty I hope you have the hardware to doRed Dead Redemption IIjustice because it’s really stunning at times. The full effect is hard to capture in words and even harder to capture in screenshots, but I’ve found it hinges on the smallest details. Like, you’re walking ...
Hi, I'm fairly new to modding in general, but I've followed a few tutorials successfully and now I have some questions. I was trying to use the SET_PED_AMMO native function but when I went to put in the weapon hash it gives me the error: cannot convert f
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