I edited 체언 -> 용언.Please check out😓 I'm sorry. I don't why I wrote 체언.체언 : Nouns 용언 : Verbs, Adjectives @
@Valerytandrea yes you can but remember고 add to verb/adjective이 음식이 맛있고 매워요.this meal is tastes and hot.하고 add to noun (the same like 과/와)사과하고 바나나연필하고 공책 查看翻译 1 like iro...
「You can't understand what I'm saying」って日本語で 「俺が何言ってるの理解できない」と発音されるの? 代名詞はどっち使わなきゃいけないと? Gelöschter Nutzer 8 Nov 2022 私が何を言ってるのか分かってない。 Resminos 8 Nov 2022 ...
I've been told by some natives that the (t} sound doesn't have to be strong, and others have told me it does. So I'm really confused. On which way to go. You all probably think i'm crazy, but I just want to make sure I'm pronouncing correctly everytime. I know I don't ...
I learn English by using audble, but I can't understand what it saing. What does he say? I can ... 瞩目的提问 Show more what is the tone of 甭 in 甭提多 Is 请进一下 correct Chinese? 掏心掏肺は誰にでも使いますか? 恋人でも他人でも嘘を言わず正直であることを表現するのに使わ...
other words, หณ and หฬ cannot occur in Pali-Sanskrit loanwords because they don’t ...
最後に、「t」の発音です。この音は「タ」と発音されます。舌の先を上の歯茎に触れさせ、そこから息を吹き出すことで発音します。例えば、「take」と「tape」のような単語では、「t」の音が使われます。 これらの音の違いを聞き分けるためには、まずそれぞれの音の特徴を理解とが重要です...
ok, i will learn pinyin first anyway, your answer is so easy to undertand for me and very helpful a lot. appreciate you. kouhei5535342 3月26日 日语 @shenw57やっぱりまずはシャドーイングと、発音に慣れることから始めたほうがいいですかね?