I installed MySQL 5,0, executes the server mysql.server in /etc/init.d/mysql.server normally but I cannot execute mysql, marks the same error to me. I have not even added the PATH (is MYSQL_HOME or MYSQL only?) to the variable of PATH, but; not if it has something to see, sinc...
Error: Can't open display: It seems that the problem is the $DISPLAY variable is not set on the remote machine (echo $DISPLAY doesn't return anything), but from what I read, sshd is responsible for setting this variable, as long as "X11Forwarding yes" is uncommented in t...
click next until you reach 'security options' where you can see 'Modify security options' check box. there is another check box that specifies enable root access from remote system. check it and click next and click execute. this solved the problem in my case. ...
From a command prompt window execute >mysqld --console I then got a request from Windows Firewall to allow this to run Should this all work for you as it did for me then to shut down call up a 2nd command prompt window and execute ...
Hello All, I got the error code 2014 when execute following procedure. BEGIN declare v_key varchar(50); declare v_type varchar(50); declare v_value varchar(50); declare v_time bigint; declare v_finished int; declare var varchar(50); ...
worked at first -- I was able to run the command line client -- but when I restarted my machine and tried again, it no longer worked. I couldn't get the command line client to work or execute mysqld.exe. Either way, the command line window just closes; I don't even get any ...
I've installed MYSQL and it was working perfect, but I got some problem and i had to reinstall it... But now when I click on "EXECUTE" it just stuck at "Writing the file"( or something like that, its the second option). And doesnt install. ...
It works for me. I suspect that you are typing both lines, selecting them both, and then attempting to execute them both. The Resultset tab in Query Browser only supports single statement execution. Just put your cursor on the first statement (the call to the sp) and execute it. Then,...
--did not execute "server instance configuration tool" directly after the installation procedure -instead started "server instance configuration tool" separately (programs menu) --during the last action, when the stop-retry-messagebox appeared --I did not react to fast --my firewall automati...
CREATE PROCEDURE `sample_db`.`getUserList`( IN orderBy VARCHAR(20), IN sortOrder VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN SET @orderBy = orderBy; SET @sortOrder = sortOrder; SET @query = 'SELECT usernumber, userid, username FROM user ORDER BY ? ?'; PREPARE userListStmt FROM @query; EXECUTE userListStm...