CAN'T STOP THE FEELING- Justin Timberlake W构致ritten by:Max Martin/Justin Timberlake I got this feeling inside my bones Itgoes electric wave whenI turn it on All through my city all through my home We're flying up no ceiling when we in our zone ...
编辑本段 歌词及翻译 I Just Can't Stop Loving You 止不住的爱恋 英语版 Each time the wind blows 你的声音 I hear your voice so 每次伴随微风拂来 I call your name 我轻唤你的名字 Whispers at morning 这是清晨的告白 Our love is dawning 万物皆因你而生辉 Heaven's glad you came 爱情正在到...
折叠编辑本段歌曲歌词 You know I know how To make em stop andstare as I zone out The club can't even handle me right now Watchin you watchin me I go allout The club can't even handleme right now (yeahhhhh) The club can't even handle me right now (yeahhhhh) ...
《Can't Stop the Feeling!》是由贾斯汀·汀布莱克演唱、填词,马克斯·马丁和谢尔贝克共同谱曲的一首流行歌曲,并作为动画电影《魔发精灵》的主题曲,被收录在该电影的原声带专辑中,于2016年5月6日通过美国广播唱片公司发行。 2016年07月31日,该歌曲获得美国青少年选择奖最佳派对歌曲、最佳影视歌曲、最佳夏日歌曲三项提...