Trying to mount my USB stick and getting a superblock error.. Tried a command in the terminal but it said only "ROOT" can access command...How do I get to "ROOT"...??? See attachment. View 9 Replies View Related Debian Configuration :: Error "mount Exited With Exit Code 1: H...
Now that is fro my slave IDE CDROM on top as hdd. I have tried before to mount it as /dev/hdc but to no avail. I know both CD drives work just fine because I used them to install the system. I am going to put the screenshots below so maybe someone can help me! Also I can ...
So I was thinking if i can essentially "clone" my original hdd to the new one using the restore tab on disk utility, and try using disk repair on it to get it working? or is there another app I can use that will do this (being mindful that I don't ha...
I made this backup (see "GREY_USB"). At that time, I was using iMovie 06 to produce video DVD's for animations of clients' products and business plans. AFTER my system crashed (and a move to the other side of the planet!), I was finally able to have my Powerbook r...
It will not recognize anything plugged into it and my phone can't even charge through it. It did the same thing a few days ago but it randomly started working again but now it isn't and I don't know how to get it back or make it stop. The usb ports on the back ...
I really, really need to look at it.. I'm trying to throw the installer over to a USB harddrive (with multiple other installers, each in their own directory etc. etc.) - the idea is to create a USB HDD with installation mediums for the OS's I use so the recommended methods of ...