I am trying to open the MYSQL Command Line client to see if the script that I ran was successful and all I see this this command line window flash for a fraction of a second and go away. How can I make it to be available and not flash away? I added a shortcut of this command...
Can't Open A Shared File On A Windows 7 Machine If It's Already Open On An XP? Cannot Open Resource File Cd:Program File (x86)Calendar CreatorCC Sku.DLL Put File On Desktop -> Open File -> Access Denied? While Trying To Open A File From Explorer / Could Not Scroll Down To File...
But when I connect my laptop to the network's wifi, only the desktop computer can see the laptop in 'network' and not the other way. The laptop can't see any computers. When I tried to connect/open the laptop through the computer, error code 0x80070035 network path not found came...
i tried to watch a live channel by safari. if i use normal pc i can see it but when i use mac book pro i can't.i am a new user of mac book so not enough idea. i installed flip 4 mac as-well to convert the window media file for mac. but still its not ...
Yesterday I found that I can't drag and drop any files on my desktop. I get the white circle with a line through it when I try to drag anything. I can drag off of my desktop to my HD and to the trash but I can't drag anything back. I've read all of the previous threads ab...
I just installed Fedora 12 on a laptop. I changed the default shell on the root account to /bin/tcsh and changed the runlevel to 3 and then rebooted. Now I can't login into the root account: it returns me immediately to the login prompt and I can'...
I know one can change how to allow User Account Control to change its settings (the slider) but is there a way for controlling which programs are always allowed (giving it permission hence never having to see that annoying window for that program)? I do not want to disable it. I just ...
I'm in a program (Safari, Word, iDesign, etc., I click open file > desktop (or any other folder), and nothing appears.just the spinning wheel (that won't stop).I had my hard drive replaced in March after my system started running slow one day, then froze. I did a...
The laptop just open window without showing any option key or bios after switching on. What to do I need to boot a program on my usb drive. View 4 Replies View Related Program Files Gone (not Missing)? Sep 29, 2011 Norton, malwarebytes, and spybot have all come up with...
Apple Support had me zap the PRAM, clear the caches, and do that 15-second power-button thing with the battery out. All the log-in items that might have been slowing the boot were removed. This succeeded in getting the machine to boot faster and the desktop im...