110418 19:08:31 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13) 110418 19:08:31 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13) ...
可能大家路径不一样,find / -name client.rb找一下 DEFAULTS= {:url=> lambda {ENV["REDIS_URL"] },:scheme=>"redis",:host=>"",:port=>6379,:path=>nil,:timeout=>5.0,:password=>"xxxxxx",:db=>0,:driver=>nil,:id=>nil,:tcp_keepalive=>0,:reconnect_attempts=>1,:inherit_so...
She wants to find a website on which she can buy kinds of things she likes.5 A. The site provides hundreds of English reading materials in different levels. Whether you are a low beginner or a high beginner, you can find something for you here. You don't need to pay. Just sign ...
Instructions are at: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Creating_a_patch https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Getting_your_patch_in_the_tree If you have a question about developing Mozilla, and can't find the solution on https://developer.mozilla.org, you can try asking your question...
Host/Device interaface with DMA, on-chip full-speed PHYandULPIinterfacetoexternal high-speed PHY, 4 UARTS with DMA support, [...] lpcware.com lpcware.com 根據新增訂的第13I條,如任何商戶在就某產品(下稱"有 關產品")接受付款或其他代價時,該商戶意圖不供應有關產品, 或意圖供應與有關產品有重...
After each boot I find 2 occurrences of WARING!� Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs! in /var/log/boot. This box is running as KVM-host, so I am a bit worried about 'warings' like these... View 1 RepliesView Related ...
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host If I use nslookup to get the IP-address of YouTube, I get I go to in my browser it can connect, but as Google is probably checking the Host HTTP-header, it shows Google's frontpage instead. ...
it fails. You can access it via the external site address, but that's the only way. Normally the external address is blocked when you are internal.What i'm stuck at is even when we had all traffic sent from Site A to our main hub, it still wouldn't find it. Would i have to ma...
Ubuntu :: Error : Mount.nfs : Access Denied By Server While Mounting Hostname Sep 20, 2010 I just built an AMD Phenom II Six Core with 4 Gigs Ram a 160Gib / and swap, and (2) Two Tb mirror for Raid (data storage) I had been using DMRAID in the deprecated box but this ...
Re: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' Franklyn Halamka June 24, 2010 05:07PM Re: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' Franklyn Halamka June 24, 2010 10:53PM Re: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' Lee Stigile June 25, 2010 08:05AM ...