We are poking around using MySQL, MySQLAdmin, and have tried check table and repair table, have gotten no where. I have looked everywhere and can't find any documentation on this. First, how can we overcome this error? Second, how did this happen?
Mac Pro :: Lost Printer Driver Now Cannot Find? Nov 16, 2010 I had to put a new hard drive in my Mac G4. I lost my print driver and can't find it. I use Asante Talk to connect to my Apple Laserwriter 4/600. View 1 RepliesView Related OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot ...
Just moved to Ubuntu from XP. Whole process has gone very smoothly, but left with a small problem (i.e. it isn't actually affecting usability) that I don't seem to be able to fix and can't find on forums/internet. I also have a problem with the Floppy drive, but I've se...
I have a x64 OpenSUSE server with two hard drivers installed. The first one is used for the / and /home partitions and the other is for backups. Ironically enough it is the backup hard drive I am having trouble with. I was having trouble writting to the drive and unmounted it to pre...
Time Machine can not find a file that I deleted just a few days ago, which is very annoying, because I can find the file just fine when I open my external hard drive (my Time Machine backup drive) with the Finder and navigate to the exact date and location where the file was located...
They trouble shooted over the phone but it didn't help. Asked me to reformat the hard drive which I really don't want to do. This is the problem:The computer works fine and I can connect and browse the internet with my wireless connection. However, as soon as I connect another ...
a bar will go across the top to show progress but still it will not open.if i restart the computer i can open up the my computer or just computer in W7.like right now i tried to open up the window to check my hard drive and im still waiting for it to open.this goes on on bot...
- but I can't find anywhat - Then I run again command : connect 2: ssh -g -f -p 11111 -i /<path-to-private-key> user1@ip-server1 -L 22223:ip-server1:3306 - And I receive a error from OpenSSH :" bind: address already in use" ...
Suddenly, all of my music in iTunes has a little exclamation point next to the track, and it can't locate the song. They are all there.� Is there a fast way to get iTunes to find ALL my music, without having to go back manually and click on each track to find?
Ok. I was having this problem since last night and have spent at least 5 hours searching the web, Google, forums, etc. trying to find a solution. Many of the solutions mentioned - turning off VIRUS Scan or excluding files (*.myd and *.myi) and temp folder. Other posts said that an...