Hanoi – Sapa – Halong Bay – Hue – Hoi An – Saigon – Siem Reap – Luang Prabang – Yangon – Mandalay – Bagan – Inle Lake - YangonView Map 4.9 Excellent-126 reviews This journey mainly visits cities in Vietnam and Myanmar, and it will also visit two important tourist cities in...
Pol Pot died in 1998, and by early 1999 most of the remaining Khmer Rouge troops and leaders had surrendered. Rebel troops were integrated into the Cambodian army. In 1999 two Khmer Rouge leaders were arrested and charged with genocide for their part in the atrocities. Since the Paris Accords...
The Cambodian Genocide Program - YaleCDC - International Notes Surveillance of Health Status of Kampuchean Refugees - Khao I-Dang Holding Center, Thailand, December 1981 - June 1983The Asia Pacific Collection - Index and abstracts to congressional publications - searchable database of government of ...
CAMBODIAN MUSIC Traditional Cambodian musiccan be broadly divided intoclassical Cambodian musicandCambodian folk music. Classical Khmer music can be further divided into three genres, each associated with a corresponding dance:mahori, phleng kar, andpin peat. Arak is an ancient folk music that was us...