Rosenblum, Gail
Sometimes you need a bogus sick day. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. These are the three cardinal rules for calling in sick when you’re actually hung-over: 1. Do Not Speak of the Hang-over. This is the most important rule, and it is necessary for two reason...
What if you would much rather leave a voicemail than speak to the person you’re calling? Maybe you don’t have time to get into a long chat, or maybe you’re calling in sick for work and really don’t want to have to speak to your boss. Is it even possible to go straight to ...
TSA confirmed a modest uptick in the number ofTSA employees calling in sickas the government shutdown shifts into its third week. While TSA employees have not yet missed a paycheck, if the shutdown is not resolved by midweek, the agency is unlikely to be able to make payroll for the curr...
Spartan just launched a new workout and training system they’re calling DEKAFit:. In the same way that they’ve made obstacle racing globally popular, Spartan plans to do the same thing for functional fitness using a process that includes both training
“Let me tell you a little story,” Hawkins began when he finally hit the stage. “You’ll notice I wear a watch onstage. Some of you think… ‘He has to regard the time because he wants to get back and eat the prawn sandwiches in the dressing room.’ There’s a bit of truth ...
ve had my entire life to practice it. But if we’re lucky, he’s got a whole lot of life left to hone his emotional labor skills, and to change the course of our children’s future. Our sons can still learn to carry their own weight. Our daughter can learn to not carry others'...
Questions 95-98 refer to the following advertisement.As the number of new infections and deaths rise in the Ebola outbreak, fear and suspicion in rising, too, making a more difficult for health care w
Byline: Mike Comerford Daily Herald Staff Writer One might imagine that it took a lot of...Comerford, Mike