使命召唤4:现代战争 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare的攻略 ··· (全部2 条) 黑阳 2023-02-08 12:11:48 简介 2011年(游戏时间)在白令海的一场任务中,由普莱斯上尉和盖兹带领英国空降特勤队的部队,新成员“肥皂”麦克塔维什中士和其他队友突袭了一艘可疑货船,并在船上发现核装置。此时,该船突然遭到米格战...
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: Directed by Jason West. With Billy Murray, Craig Fairbrass, David Sobolov, Mark Grigsby. The Call of Duty series returns this time into a modern day setting. The player takes control of a character nicknamed "Soap," for th
The new action-thriller from the award-winning team at Infinity Ward, the creators of the Call of Duty® series, delivers the most intense and cinematic action experience ever. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare arms gamers with an arsenal of advanced and
Home 18 of 36 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) TitlesCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareBack to top
Home 1 of 37 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) TitlesCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareBack to top
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 經典第一人稱射擊遊戲重返火線!跨平台遊戲、免費地圖、多元遊戲模式,加上最新遊戲引擎,絕對會讓《決勝時刻》遊戲體驗全面升級! 多人對戰 《現代戰爭》回來了。節奏快速的地面戰鬥。系列作中最逼真的場景畫面。粉絲最愛的多人遊戲模式與史詩連殺獎勵。武器深度自訂功能。同類遊戲中最拳拳...
提交 Close “故事在道德层面上相当复杂,没有分明的黑与白,或是纯粹的善与恶。一切都在中间的灰色地带展开,让玩家难以评断对错。” – 泰勒黑崎 Infinity Ward工作室叙事总监 播放 0:00/0:00 标清/高清 静音/取消静音 全屏幕 请输入你的出生日期
One of the most critically-acclaimed games in history, Call of Duty® Modern Warfare is back, remastered in true high-definition. Call of Duty® 4 Modern Warfare® set a new standard upon its original release for intense, cinematic action, while re
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) Home 34 of 36 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)
※另有包含此單獨商品內容的套裝包。請注意切勿重複購買。 史上最受讚譽遊戲之一的『Call of Duty® Modern Warfare』(決勝時刻®:現代戰爭)以純正高解析度重製推出!原版『Call of Duty® 4 Modern Warfare®』遊戲上市時,即以電影般的緊湊動作場面,為遊戲設