CalibreQueryLanguage DataModel Install OpdsOutput Reference Material Tools brand lib old_ideas script DevNote - Adding GUI fields.txt DevNote - Catalog file naming conventions.txt DevNote - Compatibility Modes.txt DevNote - JTidy.txt DevNote - setenv.cmd ...
Termux (Android) Please read before proceeding: It is not guaranteed that the app will run smoothly in all devices. It may take a long time to install depending on your mobile processor. It is recommended to use the bots on either Discord or Telegram if you are on mobile. 📱 Using Ter...
APP适用设备/系统说明 FullReader Android 界面清新但是有广告,而且汉化不完全,有少量韩文 AIReader Android 没有广告但是外观不好看 kybook3 iOS 目前已知 iOS 唯一支持 OPDS 的 APP kindle kindle 仅在kindle 设备上支持 OPDS,在 Android/iOS 上不支持 赞...