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If you can't find the right one, select the Custom option and enter the standard enthalpy of formation in kJ/mol (if you don't have this on hand, check some online reference tables, like this one at Chemistry LibreTexts). Do the same thing for the Products. Verify the reaction scheme...
Want to know how to calculate moles? Need a grams-to-moles calculator or even a moles-to-grams calculator? Well, then, you've come to the right place. With our moles-to-grams converter, you can seamlessly convert between mass, molecular weight, and moles. Chemistry just became that littl...
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It is a Python wrapper of numerous other libraries (e.g., Open Babel [16], RDKit [17], Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) [18], Indigo [19], JChem [20], and OPSIN [21]). Thus, it requires many manually installed dependencies, which is a complicated process. Moreover, a new ...
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Chemistry: Algebra Mathematical equations form the basis for many of the functions that chemistry is based on. Algebraic equations are used to describe the relationships between different quantities; such as density, mass and volume. In many cases these quantities have to be converted into other dim...