【7】Konsoula R , Barile F A . Correlation of in vitro cytotoxicity with paracellular permeability in Caco-2 cells[J]. Toxicology In Vitro, 2005, 19(5):0-684. 网址:www.dakewe.com Email:equipment@dakewe.com 全国免费热线:400 819 7199...
1. The model of Caco-2 cells was established and culture conditions were optimized. The specific inhibitors for P-gp and MRP2 were applied to validate the model. The results showed that the model was reliable. 2. The adequate optimal incubation conditions and LC/MS technique were ...
emodinonhumancoloncancel"cellsRKO,HT一29,Caco-2invitro. Methods:Thisresearchselects poorly,moderately andwell—differentiatedofhumancolon carcinomacelllinesRKO,HT-29,andCaco,2.A1leelllinesWeretreatedwithemodinat 100,50,25,12.51aM ormedia.Treatmenttimewas24,48,and72hours.Therelative ...
缩略词 ASA BSA bFGF COX.2 CSCs DEPC DMEM DMSO EDTA EGF FBS Lgr5 MTT NSAIDs PBS RT.PCR SFM SP SSM TSC 英文缩略词表 英文全称 aspirin,acetylsalicylic acid bovine serum albumin basic fibroblast growth factor cyclooxygenase一2 cancer stem cells diethylpyrocarbonate Dulbecco’S modified eagle’S med...
而本公司培养的细胞采用胰蛋白酶-胶原酶混合消化法结合差速贴壁法,并通过上皮细胞培养基培养筛选制备而来,细胞总量约为5×10^5cells/瓶;细胞经PCK/TG免疫荧光鉴定,纯度可达90%以上,且不含有HIV-1、HBV、HCV、支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌等。 人结肠癌细胞Caco2参数规格 1) 含量:>1x106 个/mL 2) 污染:支原体...