discord-logo - A Vue.js animated discord logo generator based on SVGs. (Github Page) node-vue-template - A starter template for building complete application using Node.js (API) and Vue.js (SPA) with some included packages and configurations to help start the development quickly. vue-store...
libavformat tests .gitignore 3dostr.c 4xm.c Makefile a64.c aacdec.c aadec.c aaxdec.c ac3_channel_layout_tab.c ac3dec.c ac4dec.c ac4enc.c acedec.c acm.c act.c adp.c ads.c adtsenc.c adxdec.c aea.c afc.c aiff.c aiff.h aiffdec.c aiffenc.c aixdec.c allformats.c...
一、获取钉钉webhook打开钉钉——>机器人管理——>自定义——>添加——>复制webhook地址二、下载prometheus-webhook-dingtalk插件(8060)# wget https://github.com/timonwong/prometheus-webhook-dingtalk/releases/download/v1.4.0/prome vim github 自定义 PHP开发钉钉机器人 步骤登录钉钉开发者后台。 选择应用开发 ...
Alcatel will operate under the name alcatel, with a new logo and new focus The brand will increase its engagement with millennial customers Alcatel will continue to create curated, carefully considered, fun devices at the right price point
{src:$n,alt:"logo",className:"sidebar-logo"}),e.createElement("ul",{className:"sidebar-menu"},E),e.createElement("div",{className:"sidebar-version"},e.createElement("span",{className:"sidebar-version-label"},"Clash",(r==null?void 0:r.isClashX)&&"X"," ",i("Version")),e....
//ou setado para download forçado no browser //ou ainda gravado na base de dados $pdf = $danfe->render($logo); header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); echo $pdf; } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { Expand Down 10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions 10 examples/nfe/danfe...