C3Cu Water - H2O Hydroxic Acid H₂O [Oh2] Aqua Pure Water Hydrogen Oxide Oxidane Dihydrogen Oxide H2O Molar Mass H2O Oxidation Number Calculate Reaction Stoichiometry Calculate Limiting Reagent Warning: One of the compounds in C3H8O3 + Cu(OH)2 = C3Cu + H2O is unrecognized. ...
Balance C3H8O3 + Cu(OH)2 = C3H5OHCuO2 + H2O Using the Algebraic Method Step 1: Label Each Compound With a Variable Label each compound (reactant or product) in the equation with a variable to represent the unknown coefficients. a C3H8O3 + b Cu(OH)2 = c C3H...
-CHO~2Ag(NH3)2OH~2 Ag (8)与新制Cu(OH)2悬浊液的反应 除含有-CHO的物质外,还有含羧基的物质. 定量关系:-CHO~2 Cu(OH)2~Cu2O↓;(9)能发生水解反应的有机物:卤代烃、酯、糖类(单糖除外)、肽类(包括蛋白质).(10)能跟FeCl3溶液发生显色反应:酚类化合物(11)能跟I2发生显色反应的是:淀粉. (...
【题目】已知乙醇与浓硫酸混合加热可发生如下反应: CH_3CH_2OH→CH_2↑+H_2O ,可看作乙醇分子中脱去一分子水而生成乙烯。1)1mol组成为 C_3H_8O
故答案为:CH3CH2CH2OH、CH3CH(OH)CH3; ②能与O2在铜作催化剂时加热可以反应生成醛(含-CHO),说明与羟基所连碳上有2个氢原子,该有机化合物的结构简式为CH3CH2CH2OH,方程式为2CH3CH2CH2OH+O2 Cu △ 2CH3CH2CHO+2H2O, 故答案为:CH3CH2CH2OH;2CH3CH2CH2OH+O2 ...
b = 3 (Cu(OH)2) c = 2 (C3H5O3) d = 3 (Cu) f = 6 (H2O) Step 4: Substitute Coefficients and Verify Result Count the number of atoms of each element on each side of the equation and verify that all elements and electrons (if there are charges/ions) are ...
a C3H8O3 + b Cu(OH)2 = c (Cu(C3H8O3)2)(OH)2 Step 2: Create a System of Equations Create an equation for each element (C, H, O, Cu) where each term represents the number of atoms of the element in each reactant or product. C: 3a + 0b = 6c H...
(1)根据扁桃酸的结构知,含有羟基和羧基,故答案为:羟基、羧基;(2)①步骤I前后,根据两种物质的结构简式知,CHO和HCN发生加成反应生成CH-CN OH,所以该反应是加成反应;②2CH2-OH+O2Cu△2CHO+2H2O;故答案为:加成反应,2CH2-OH+O2Cu△2CHO+2H2O;(3)在数值上,物质的相对分子质量与其最大质核比相等,所...
(2)该反应的化学方程式为C_3H_8+5O_2═3CO_2+4H_2O,故填:1,5,3,4; (3)该反应的化学方程式为4FeS_2+11O_2═2Fe_2O_3+8SO_2,故填:4,11,2,8; (4)该反应的化学方程式为Cu_2(OH)_2CO_3═2CuO+H_2O+CO_2,故填:1,2,1,1,.结果...
配平下列化学方程式: ( 1 ) ___Cu + ___O 2 ___CuO ( 2 ) ___C 3 H 8 + ___O 2 ___CO 2 + ___H 2 O ( 3 ) ___FeS 2 + ___O 2 ___Fe 2 O 3 + ___SO 2 ( 4 ) Cu 2 ( OH ) 2