Balance C2H4O2 + C3H5(OH)3 = (CH3COO)3C3H5 + H2O Using Inspection The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, which means there must be the same number atoms at the end of a chemical reaction as at the beginning. To be ...
CH3COOH360.05196 C2H5OH246.06844 产品 甲基丙烯酸甲酯水 CH3COOC3H52100.11582 H2O418.01528 这个计算器将确定反应的限制试剂。 Instructions To calculate the limiting reagent, enter an equation of a chemical reaction and press the Start button. The reactants and products, along with their coefficients will...
②相同条件下,测得①NaHCO3 ②CH3COONa ③NaAlO2三种溶液的pH值相同.那实验么它们的物质的量浓度由大到小的顺序.解析:因为电离程度CH3COOH>HAlO2所以水解程度NaAlO2>NaHCO3>CH3COON2在相同条件下,要使三种溶液pH值相同,只有浓度②>①>③2、分析盐溶液中微粒种类.例如:Na2S和NaHS溶液溶液含有的微粒种类相同,它们是...
(2n)0 烯醇、环CH_2=CHCH_2OH 与C CH_2-CH-OH醚、环醇CH_3-CH-CH_2CH2 羧酸、酯CH3COOH、HCOOCH3C_nH_(2n)O_2 羟基醛与 HO-CH_2-CHO酚、芳香OHC_nH_(2n-6)0 醇、芳香-0-CH_3Pr CH2-OH醚CH硝基烷、C_nH_(2n+1)NO_2 CH_3CH_2-NO_2=H_2NCH 2-COOH氨基酸单糖或二葡萄...
A 测定NaClO溶液,CH3COONa溶液的pH 比较HClO和CH3COOH的酸性强弱 B 向Mg(OH)2浊液中滴加少量0.1mol/LFeCl3溶液 比较Mg(OH)2和Fe(OH)3的溶解度 C 将两个完全相同且充满NO2的密闭烧瓶,分别浸泡于热水、冰水中 探究温度对化学平衡状态的影响 D 向两只同体积同浓度的K2Cr2O7溶液中,分别加入1mL同浓度的H2SO4、...
你可以用小括号()或括号[ ]。 找到摩尔质量 阅读我们关于如何计算摩尔质量的文章。 例子 (Pt(NH3)4)(HPO4) AlCoCrNiMo0.6 Fe5CCr Fe6CCr Fe8CCr Fe9CCr Fe10CCr C17H21NO4CH3COOH CuZnSnInGeP5 Ni0.6Co0.2Mn0.2(OH)2 Na3PO3S C6H5CH2CHCH3NH2 近期计算过的摩尔质量计算...
Step 3: Verify that the equation is balanced Since there are an equal number of atoms of each element on both sides, the equation is balanced. 2C3H5OH + O2=2CH3COOCH3 C3H5OH+O2 = CH3COOCH3 ReactantsProducts C33✔️ H66✔️ ...
C3H6O3+3Ag(NH3)2OH = C3H5O4+3Ag +6NH3+2H2O ReactantsProducts C33✔️ H2727✔️ O66✔️ Ag33✔️ N66✔️ Step 3: Verify that the equation is balanced Since there are an equal number of atoms of each element on both sides, the equation is...
3COOH + HCN + C2H5OH 复合系数摩尔质量摩尔(克/摩尔)重量(克) 反应物 丙烯酰胺 水 C3H5ON 2 71.0779 H2O 1 18.01528 产品 乙酸 氰化氢 乙醇 CH3COOH 1 60.05196 HCN 2 27.02534 C2H5OH 1 46.06844 平衡方程式 计算反应化学计量 这个计算器将确定反应的限制试剂。
你可以用小括号()或括号[ ]。 找到摩尔质量 阅读我们关于如何计算摩尔质量的文章。 例子 (Pt(NH3)4)(HPO4) AlCoCrNiMo0.6 Fe5CCr Fe6CCr Fe8CCr Fe9CCr Fe10CCr C17H21NO4CH3COOH CuZnSnInGeP5 Ni0.6Co0.2Mn0.2(OH)2 Na3PO3S C6H5CH2CHCH3NH2 近期计算过的摩尔质量计算...