燃烧ch2=ch2+3o2? ? 点燃 2co2+2h2o (火焰明亮, 并伴有黑烟) b. 使酸性 kmno4 溶液褪色(2) 加成反应: 有机物分子中双键(或叁键) 两端的碳原子与其 他原子或原子团直接结合生成新的化合物的反应。(溴的四氯化碳溶液的红棕色褪去) 乙烯除了与溴之外还可以与h2o 、 h2 、卤化氢、 cl2 等在一定条件下...
Calculate the enthalpy of the reaction: 2NO(g) + O2(g) --> 2NO2(g) given the following reactions and enthalpies of formation: 1/2 N2(g) + O2(g) --> NO2(g), delta H *A = 33.2...
patchtisoftyapseecoofnmd esmweblrlainnge cwoemrepoconnendtu,cit.ee.d, Cu2sHin4g, minitxhtuermesixotfuCreOo2nanthdensoenp-asrwateiollninpgecrofomrmpoannecnetswsauscahssaessNse2do,rsCinHce4.most of the investigation using this type of membrane were conducted using mixtures of CO2 and non-...