Dursun E,Gezen-AK D,Ertan T,et al.Interleukin-1al-pha-889C/T polymorphism in Turkish patients with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis-ord . 2009Dursun E, Gezen-Ak D, Ertan T, Bilgiç B, Gürvit H, Emre M, Eker E, Engin F, Uysal O, Yilmazer S (2009)...
1337330yzxs对《双语 广州版 小学英语 四年级 上册 u1 词汇 课文》发表的评论:Üöğçşə
{1:function(e,t,n,r,i){var a;return' '+(null!=(a=(n.sanitize||t&&t.sanitize||n.helperMissing).call(null!=t?t:{},null!=t?t.value:t, Open Source Used In DNAC license manager Magneto 7 {name:"sanitize",hash:{},data:i}))?a:"")+"\n"},3:function(e,t,n,r,i){...
Due to the construction of a dam on the Sazlıdere stream, which is the most important feeding source for the lagoon, there has been a decrease in freshwater inflow, so the amount of salinity in the lagoon has started to increase. While salinity was around 11 ppt in the surface water...
Supramolekulare Chemie‐klar und bündig: Supramolecular Chemistry‐Concepts and Perspectives. Von J.‐M. Lehn. VCH, Weinheim, 1995. 271 S., brosch., 58,‐ DM. ISBN 3‐527‐29311‐6No abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/nadc.19950431223Nierengarten, Jean‐François...