stew的用法可以分为以下几个方面: 1. 安装和配置,首先,你需要安装stew,并根据你的操作系统和开发环境进行配置。具体的安装和配置步骤可以参考stew的官方文档。 2. 编译和链接,在使用stew之前,你需要将你的C++程序编译为可执行文件,并将stew的库文件链接到你的程序中。这可以通过在编译命令中添加相应的选项来完成。
类;stew炖,炖汤;meats类;lard猪油;cabbage卷心菜,甘蓝菜,脑袋;fried油炸的,油煎的;grits粗磨粉; 用户正在搜索 aromoline,aromorphosis,Aron,arone,aronotta,Aroostook,arose,Aroset,around,around the bend, 相似单词 Chittagong,chittagonywood,chittamwood,chitter,chittering,chitterlings,chittue,Chitty,ChiussuFo...
89.course熟义:n. 课程,过程 The main course was a vegetable stew. n. 一道菜(译:这道主菜是蔬菜炖肉) 90.cross熟义:v. 跨越,横穿 n. 十字 Don't be cross with him---after all, he meant to help. adj. 生气的 91.cut熟义:vt 砍,割...
卡洛氏溶液[医] solution Calot´s 卡洛里氏囊[医] Calori´s bursa 卡洛氏手术[医] Calot´s operation 双语例句 1. I wrote to thank Carol for her goodness to me. 我给卡洛尔写了一封信,感谢她对我的好意。 —— 辞典例句 2. Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri´s signature dishes...
8. He consumed a large plateful of the very savory stew .他吃光了一大盆很可口的炖肉。 9. He was consuming with indignation, real or feigned .他大发雷霆,不知是真的还是假的。 10. Discussion afterward consumed another ninety minutes .紧接着的讨论又花去了一个半小时。上...
nytron (硫酸钠清洁剂) 碳氢化合 double seedlings (双株) 双苗 Graham salt (可溶性偏磷酸钠) 格雷姆盐 Neubauer Fischer test (甘氨酰色氨酸试验) 诺费二氏试验 shot cardigan (指双色交替) 交替畦编组织 special defects (双宫丝疵) 特殊类 double stewpot (双柄有盖) 炖锅 ...
_50_, when I went buck to preparing homemade meals withou ll the51 fat and salt I started to feel_52I realize how lucky was to have a mother who wok the time to_53_ a healthy meal for my family eyerynight.That stew was made with_54_ and it has left me with a(n) _55_ ...
Stew(煮,炖) with Garden Vegetables Barbecued Chicken and Rice Creamy Hum and Noodles Choose one of our Cool Blue Quickeats! (Refrigerate for extra coldness, if desired.) Yogurt with Dried Fruit and Nuts Vegetable Salad and Pasta Salad
stew: A dish made by slow-cooking meat and vegetables in liquid until tender. dinner: The main meal of the day, typically eaten in the evening. 在这一部分,我们将探讨各种可以在餐桌上展示的餐点和菜肴。我们将讨论不同类型的食物,从经...
stew 音标:[stju:] 你的浏览器不支持播放 单词:stew的单词意思解释释义 n. 炖, 烦恼, 热浴, 妓院, 鱼塘vi. 炖, 焖, 忧虑vt. 炖, 焖, 使焦虑相关词组: in a stew stew in one's own juice 与单词:stew 相关的例句或者名人名言 Mixed salad, meatball and brochettes, vegetable stew and all...