从上图中我们看到,出现0x80070666错误提示是因为已经安装了Visual C++2015软件的另外一个版本导致。要解决这个问题,需要将电脑上的Visual C++2015和Visual C++2017系列全部卸载,再重新安装Visual C++2015即可解决。
Visual Studio 2015 更新 3 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) - 14.0.24210:安装程序失败。该产品的另一个版本已安装。此版本的安装无法继续。要配置或删除本产品的现有版本,请使用控制面板中的添加/删除程序。错误代码:0x80070666 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) - 14.0.23918:已...
Those are a few more widely confirmed resolutions with fixed error 0x80070666 for users. So, they’ll probably resolve the issue so you can install the required Visual C++ package. If you still have problems,check our Cannot install Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable guidefor more solutions. If yo...
安装diamond,需要microsoft visual c++2015REdistributable(*64)环境。 那么问题来了,在安装microsoft visual c++2015REdistributable(*64)时显示已安装这个产品的另外一个版本(如图所示)。 本计算机已有的语言环境如下图所示。 问:如何保证其他程序正常运行的情况下,可以安装上microsoft visual c++2015REdistributable(*64),...
My app uses VC++ 2015 x64 redist, for a mixed mode C++ assembly. Some of my users ran into this problem: During installation of the VC++ 2015 Redist prerequisite the following error is presented: Setup Failed ... 0x80070666 Another version of this product is already installed. ...
Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Setup Failed 0x80070666 Follow these steps to fix this error: Download the Visual C++ redistributable again. Then open Command Prompt. Then, you need to change the directory to the location of the vc_redist.x64.exe file. For example, you can find it in your...
而当这个稀有度顺序乱套了的时候,就会产生不少问题,如果一只旧ssr没有新sr强力,而获得的几率要远低于 分享80赞 三国志13吧 结城冥♋ Win10游戏下好了可是没法打开没法正常启动代码0xc000009a然后根据置顶帖的说法我去下vc看了眼自己的缺15的vc然后下载显示无法下载代码0x80070666说已安装这个产品的另一个版本但...
dism online cleanup-image restorehealth Wait till Windows finishes DISM scan. After running both of these scans, close the Command Prompt. Then, run the setup file once to complete the installation. Read More: Fix: Error 0x80070666 when Installing Microsoft…...
项目场景: 场景:Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 安装 问题描述: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 安装失败 0x80070666-已安装这个产品的另一个版本。 原因分析: 原因一:系统里面已经存在了Microsoft Visual C++ 2015版本。 原因二:系统里面有更高的Microsoft Visual C++版本,例如Microsoft Visu...Maya2013...
谢谢#include"stdafx.h" #include"iostream" #include"windows.h" #include<WinUser.h> #include"WinReg.h" #include<tchar.h> #include<w 分享12赞 visual吧 耶律尨丹 求visual c++2015 redistributable(x64)设置失败的原因错误0x80070666,日志文件为 [141C:2308][2017-09-01T12:58:39]i001: Burn v...