int fclose(FILE *stream); fclose函数接受一个指向已打开文件的指针,并关闭该文件。如果关闭文件成功,则返回 0;否则返回一个非零值。 可能的出错方式包括:文件不存在、文件已经关闭等。 示例 #include <stdio.h> bool file_exists(const char *filename) { FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fil...
/* strerror example : error list */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h>//必须包含的头文件 int main () { FILE * pFile; pFile = fopen ("unexist.ent","r"); if (pFile == NULL) printf ("Error opening file unexist.ent: %s\n",strerror(errno)); //errno...
Usually when you want to check if a file exists, it's because you want to create that file if it doesn't. Graeme Perrow's answer is good if you don't want to create that file, but it's vulnerable to a race condition if you do: another process could create the file in between y...
根据stackoverflow的方法,笔者写了一段兼容代码,以下代码支持Linux-gcc,TCC(windows),Visual C++6.0,Mingw-gcc(Cygwin) #include <stdio.h>#ifdefined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64)|| defined(_WIN64)#include<io.h>#ifndef F_OK#defineF_OK 0 /* Check for file existence */#endif...
control check valve control circle control co tant control device and me control di lay unit control diet and do p control distribution control function regi control gear switch g control group cg control level process control lever guide control line model control measures choo control of busine ...
{/*Check for existence*/if( (_access("ACCESS.C",0)) != -1) { printf("File ACCESS.C exists");/*Check for write permission*/if( (_access("ACCESS.C",2)) != -1) printf("File ACCESS.C has write permission"); } } 输出:>>File ACCESS.C exists.>>File ACCESS.C has write perm...
EXISTS是CMake的内置函数,用于检查文件或目录是否存在。它的语法是if(EXISTS <file-or-directory>),其中<file-or-directory>是你想要检查的文件或目录的路径。如果指定的文件或目录存在,EXISTS函数会返回true,否则返回false。你可以在if语句中使用它来根据文件或目录是否存在来执行不同的操作。
if(access(file_name, F_OK ) != -1) {//file exists}else{//file doesn't exist} You can also useR_OK,W_OK, andX_OKin place ofF_OKto check for read permission, write permission, and execute permission (respectively) rather than existence, and you can OR any of them together (i.e...
Linux如何使用if判断目录是否存在方法如下: 1、脚本中使用if判断目录是否存在的方法 #!.../bin/bash if [ -d "c" ];then echo "目录c存在" else echo "目录不存在" fi 2、简便写法 #!.../bin/bash [ -d "c" ] && ech...
Check for installed version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) Check if a float is valid? check if directory exists Check if Iterator is valid Check if the value exist in the Registry. child process limits in service context and conhost.exe chkstk.asm is throwing an unhandled ...