这是一篇 C 语言与 C++面试知识点总结的文章。 const 作用 修饰变量,说明该变量不可以被改变; 修饰指针,分为指向常量的指针(pointer to const)和自身是常量的指针(常量指针,const pointer); 修饰引用,指向常量的引用(reference to const),用于形参类型,即避免了拷贝,又避免了函数对值的修改; 修饰成员函数,说明该...
_STL_DISABLE_CLANG_WARNINGS #pragma push_macro("new") #undef new // undef common macro overrides #undef clearerr #undef feof #undef ferror #undef getc #undef getchar #undef putc #undef putchar // TRANSITION: Boost nonconformingly uses this macro #define _FPOSOFF(fp) (static_cast<long ...
Q:When speaking of software products, how do you define the term“quality”. 问:当说到软件产品的时候,你如何定义术语“质量” Meeting customer requirements Q:What is the role of software debelopers and quality assuranle engineers in ensuring the quality of the product? How are other functional ...
Include-what-you-use makes heavy use of Clang internals, and will occasionally break when Clang is updated. We build IWYU regularly against Clang mainline to detect and fix such compatibility breaks as soon as possible. NOTE: the IWYU master branch follows Clang main branch. ...
What is the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) Software Testing Life Cycle refers to a testing process that has specific steps to be executed in a definite sequence to ensure that the quality goals have been met. In the STLC process, each activity is carried out in a planned and systemati...
What you needto do is to implement several algorithms in order to perform the following tasks.3.1 Determine Node to Triangle AdjacencyEssentially, a connectivity table defines the adjacency information betweentriangles and nodes, i.e. a row of the table is the adjacent nodes of that triangle....
C++ standard library (STL) .lib files What problems exist if an application uses more than one CRT version? See also This article lists the Microsoft C runtime library.libfiles that you can link against when you develop your application, and their associated compiler options and preprocessor dir...
bad_cast 使用 try { Circle& ref_circle = dynamic_cast<Circle&>(ref_shape); } catch (bad_cast b) { cout << "Caught: " << b.what(); } 运行时类型信息 (RTTI)dynamic_cast用于多态类型的转换 typeidtypeid 运算符允许在运行时确定对象的类型 type_id 返回一个 type_info 对象的引用 如果想...
C++ standard library (STL) .lib files What problems exist if an application uses more than one CRT version? See also This article lists the Microsoft C runtime library .lib files that you can link against when you develop your application, and their associated compiler optio...