rawData.simuType = simuType;vector<CVector> insideCellCenters;vector<CVector> outsideBdryNodePos;std::stringbdryInputFileName = globalConfigVars.getConfigValue("Bdry_InputFileName").toString(); GEOMETRY::MeshGen meshGen; GEOMETRY::UnstructMesh2D mesh = meshGen.generateMesh2DFromFile( bdryInp...
R语言数据类型:向量vector、矩阵matrix、dataframe、列表list、常用函数:length、ls、rm、edit、fix、c、cbind、rbind、str、class、names R语言数据类型 R语言有各种各样的数据类型,包括标量scaler、向量vector(数值向量、字符串向量、逻辑向量)、矩阵matrix、dataframe和列表list。 R语言使用c函数创建向量(Vector、...
template<typenameT>classVector{ … }; 使用这个Vector模板就可以产生很多的class(类),Vector <int> 、Vector <char> 、Vector < Vector <int> > 、Vector <Shape*> ……。 模板类的重点是类。表示的是由一个模板生成而来的类。 例子: 上面的Vector <int> 、Vector <char> 、……全是模板类。 这两个...
st_tree - A fast and flexible c++ template class for tree data structures. [Apache-2.0] svector - Compact SVO optimized vector for C++17 or higher. [MIT] tree.hh - An STL-like C++ header-only tree library. [GPL2+] unordered_dense - A fast & densely stored hashmap and hashset base...
calibrated feeder calibrated speedomete calibrated vector coo calibration constants calibration factor of calibration interpola calibration loop calibration programmi calibration record da calibration resistor calibrationcircle calibrator-terunit calibrators calicogray clothes california baseball california department cal...
couple sets couple stress elastos coupled field vector coupled flutter coupled implicit appr coupled power amplifi coupled rib optical w coupled running coupled with dietary coupler and so on coupler capacitor coupler control valve coupler knuckle pin coupler token ring in couplershank couplet ritten on...
CAtlTransactionManager class CAtlWinModule class CAutoPtr class CAutoPtrArray class CAutoPtrElementTraits class CAutoPtrList class CAutoRevertImpersonation class CAutoVectorPtr class CAutoVectorPtrElementTraits class CAxDialogImpl class CAxWindow class CAxWindow2T class CBindStatusCallback class CComAggObjec...
See CAutoPtr for an example of using a smart pointer class.RequirementsHeader: atlbase.hCAutoVectorPtr::AllocateCall this method to allocate the memory required by the array of objects pointed to by CAutoVectorPtr.Kopiraj bool Allocate(size_t nElements) throw(); Parameters...
realdestructor : is set if the function is a destructor for a class templated : is set if the function belongs to a templated class (ImVector) templatedgen: is set if the function belongs to a struct generated from template (ImVector_ImWchar) ...
be used by clients of class 'std::_Vector_val<_Ty,_Alloc>' Which will be frustrating. This is because while we all use "std::vector<T>", the actual class definition has a default template parameter defining the allocator, "std::vector<T, std::allocator<T> >". This whole exporting...