char extern return union const float short unsigned for signed void default goto sizeof volatile do if static while continue 3. 标识符 identifier : nodigit identifier nodigit identifier digit nodigit : _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D ...
integer-suffix? unsigned-suffix long-suffixopt unsigned-suffix long-long-suffixopt long-suffix unsigned-suffixopt long-long-suffix unsigned-suffixoptunsigned-suffix:以下项之一 u Ulong-suffix:以下项之一 l Llong-long-suffix:以下项之一 ll LL...
character_constant string_literal operator punctuator 不在上述范围内的任一非空白符 2. 关键字 keyword: auto double int struct break else long switch case enum register typedef char extern return union const float short unsigned for signed void default goto sizeof volatile do if static while continue...
int (2字节) short (1字节) long(4字节) unsigned char 从0到256之间 char 从-128到127之间 byte 字节就是无符号的字符 unicode:两字节的字符 由此可见:byte=nusigned char, short=char char* :是指向ANSI字符数组的指针,其中每个字符占据8位(有效数据是除掉最高位的其他7位),这里保持了与传统的C,C++的...
这个例子中,我们首先使用 QStringLiteral 宏创建一个 QString 对象来存储中文字符串。然后,我们可以使用...
error C3688: invalid literal suffix '_x'; literal operator or literal operator template 'operator ""_x' not found note: Did you forget a space between the string literal and the prefix of the following string literal? 若要解决此问题,请在字符串文本和宏之间添加一个空格。 相邻字符串文本 与...
error C3688: invalid literal suffix '_x'; literal operator or literal operator template 'operator ""_x' not found note: Did you forget a space between the string literal and the prefix of the following string literal? To fix this problem, add a space between the string literal and the...
error C3688: invalid literal suffix '_x'; literal operator or literal operator template 'operator ""_x' not found note: Did you forget a space between the string literal and the prefix of the following string literal? To fix this problem, add a space between the string literal and the...
string-literal punctuator each non-whitespace character that can't be one of the above Keywords keyword: one of autobreakcasecharconstcontinue defaultdodoubleelseenumextern floatforgotoifinlineintlong registerrestrictreturnshortsigned ...
unsigned-suffix: one of u Ulong-suffix: one of l Llong-long-suffix: one of ll LLfloating-constant: decimal-floating-constant hexadecimal-floating-constantdecimal-floating-constant: fractional-constant exponent-partopt floating-suffixopt digit-sequence exponent-part floating-...