虽然 Android 提供了 libmemunreachable 如此优秀的开源 c/c++内存泄漏工具,并内嵌到 Android 的系统环境,帮忙我们去定位内存泄漏问题,但是目前 libmemunreachable 使用依赖线下的 Debug 配置环境,无法支持淘宝 Release 包。 本文结合 libmemunreachable 源码,我们一起来欣赏 libmemunreachable 的实现原理以及淘宝对 libmem...
//MemUnreachable.cppbool GetUnreachableMemory(UnreachableMemoryInfo &info, size_t limit) {int parent_pid = getpid();int parent_tid = gettid();Heap heap;Semaphore continue_parent_sem;LeakPipe pipe;PtracerThread thread{[&]() -> int {/// Collection thread///ALOGE("collecting thread info for ...
This code is useless and goto is unreachable, because of false condition:'alloc' has a type 'size_t' with minimum value '0' and a maximum value of size_t ('18446744073709551615' on x86_64) ((size_t)-1) is a maximum value of size_t ('18446744073709551615' on x86_64) size_t is ...
std::unreachable(P0627R6) 当我们知道某个位置是不可能执行到,而编译器不知道时,使用std::unreachalbe可以告诉编译器,从而避免没必要的运行期检查。 一个简单的例子: 该特性位于,在GCC 12,Clang 15和MSVC v19.32已经支持。 18 std::to_underlying(P1682R3) ...
8.constant expression required in funtion main 数组定义的时候,数组大小要求是常数 9.compound statment missing } in function main 复合语句漏掉符号 "{" 10.declaration syntax error in function main 宣告语法错误 11.expression syntax in function main 表达式语法错误 ...
Compiler warning (level 4) C4702 unreachable code Compiler warning (level 4) C4703 potentially uninitialized local pointer variable 'identifier' used Compiler warning (level 4) C4706 assignment used as a condition Compiler warning (level 4) C4709 comma operator within array index expression Compiler...