在上面的代码中,因为变量i的类型为int,所以typeof(i)就等于int,typeof(i) j = 20就相当于int j = 20;typeof(int *) a;就相当于int * a;函数也是有类型的,函数的类型就是其返回值类型,所以typeof(f()) k;就相当于int k;。 typeof( typeof(int *)[5] ) a; //相当于int * a[5]; type...
typeof(typeof(char *)[4] y; 这与下面的定义等价: char *y[4]; 4,typeof(int *) p1,p2; /* Declares two int pointers p1, p2 */ int *p1, *p2; 5,typeof(int) *p3,p4;/* Declares int pointer p3 and int p4 */ int *p3, p4; 6,typeof(int [10]) a1, a2;/* Declares two...
__MINGW_EXTENSIONtypedeflonglongint64_t; __MINGW_EXTENSIONtypedefunsignedlonglonguint64_t; .../* Limits of exact-width integer types */#defineINT8_MIN (-128)#defineINT16_MIN (-32768)#defineINT32_MIN (-2147483647 - 1)#defineINT64_MIN (-9223372036854775807LL - 1)#defineINT8_MAX...
INT_MAX);//int 型最大值printf("The value of INT_MIN is %i\n",INT_MIN);//int 型最小值printf("An int takes %i bytes\n",sizeof(int));//int所占字节printf("The value of FLT_MAX is %f\n",FLT_MAX
1、C语言整形(Integer Types) 1) int(整型) int(整数类型,简称整形)这是最常见的整型数据类型,在 32 位编译环境中,通常占用 4 个字节,能表示的数值范围大致在[-2147483648, 2147483647]。 int num1 = 100; num1 是 int 类型的整形变量,它存储的数值是 100。 初学者要注意 int 类型的取值范围,避免出现...
typeof还可以这样用: int *x; typeof (*x) y; typeof (*x) z[8]; typeof (x) a[4]; typeof (typeof (char *)[4]) b; 第一句和第二句分别等价于int y和int z[8],第三句等价于int *a[4],这是因为*x的类型是int,而x的类型是int *;第四句则申明了一个指针数组,等价于char *d[4...
2:Theoperating systemversion also has a huge impact on “int” size and a 64-Bit operating system will use 4 bytes “int” types. However, this would still depend on other factors like compiler or platform being used. 3:Thecompileralso affects the “int” size in C and there are compile...
the same sign.minimum value for an object of type int INT_MIN -32767 // -(2^15 - 1)...
翻译过来是,非法的操作数,为二元操作符/,int *和int 意思是,int */int这种除法操作是不合法的。出错的一行是p=(p1+p2)/2,不知道指针除以2是要做什么呢?