mipslocalvars 对栈上只用于存储寄存器的变量进行命名,简化栈数据分析(MISP) mipsrop 在MIPS可执行代码中搜寻ROP。查找常见的ROP rizzo 对2个或多个IDB之间的函数进行识别和重命名,基于:函数签名、对唯一字符串/常量的引用、模糊签名、调用图 [318星][2m] [C] ohjeongwook/darungrim 软件补丁分析工具 IDA插件...
The M8C is a four MIPS 8-bit Harvard architecture microprocessor. System Resources provide additional capability, such as digital clocks to increase the flexibility of the PSoC mixed-signal arrays, I2C functionality for implementing an I2C master, slave, MultiMaster, an internal voltage reference ...
The CPU core, called the M8C, is a powerful processor with speeds up to 24 MHz. The M8C is a four-million instructions per second (MIPS) 8-bit Harvard-architecture microprocessor. System Resources provide additional capability, such as digital clocks for increased flexibility, I2C functionality...
You will need a GPS active antenna, aUSRPand a suitable USRP daughter board to receive GPS L1 C/A signals. GNSS-SDR require to have at least 2 MHz of bandwidth in 1.57542 GHz. (remember to enable the DC bias with the daughter board jumper). We use aDBSRX2to do the task, but you...
Accom ADC & DAC A/D Converter D/A Converter RGBH to SDI... PixelVision BioXight Optical Camera interface card Harris 107A /F Remote Test Unit REMOTETESTUNIT Dymec Dynastar 24 prt Gigabit Indust Sw Continuous Computing 8 Port Gigabit Switch CPCI ES-1/8G... ...
D: FTDI_SIO usb/serial converter driver W: http://reality.sgi.com/bryder_wellington/ftdi_sio S: I/3 Walter St S: Wellington S: New Zealand N: Sampo Saaristo E: sambo@cs.tut.fi D: Co-author of Multi-Protocol Over ATM (MPOA) S: Tampere University of Technology / Telec...
Changes in 2.4.6 (February 22, 2011): Brief summary : - Support more host OS to run on: - Include win64 native binary in the release. - Fixed failures on big endian hosts. - BIOS: Support for up to 2M ROM BIOS images. - GUI: select mouse capture toggle method in .bochsrc. - ...
Although modern capacitor technology has advanced with great improvement, capacitors are still reported to be one of the stand-out components in terms of failure rate in the field operation of power converters [1,2]. If a capacitor comes to the end of its life, the power converter will ...
On the other hand, BLDCMs seem to have become the dominant type of motors nowadays in any type of electrified vehicle. This can be justified easily though, since they exhibit higher efficiency levels, higher power density characteristics, higher torque/weight ratio and inherently better operational...
tube lights and garden lights Operating Temperature -40°C to +100°C Colour White White White Warm White Warm White Amber Red Yellow LED Size 3mm 3mm 3mm 3mm 3mm 3mm 3mm 3mm Viewing Angle 120° 120° 120° 120° 120° 120° 120° 120° Luminous Intensity Min Typ Max (mcd) (mcd) ...