time(&timep); printf("time():%ld\n",timep); p = localtime(&timep); timep = mktime(p); printf("time()->localtime()->mktime():%ld\n",timep); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } 输出: 8、gettimeofday函数 定义: int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv,struct timezone *tz); 说明: 把目前的时间...
函数定义:time_ttime(time_t*t)说明: 返回从1970年1月1日的UTC时间从0时0分0妙算起到现在所经过的秒数。 举例如下: #include<stdio.h>#include<time.h>intmain(){time_ttimep;longseconds = time(&timep);printf("%ld\n",seconds);printf("%ld\n",timep);return0; } 输出: 有兴趣的同学可以计...
uint8_T checkinputdata(timedata timedatainput) { uint8_T checkinputdatafla = 0; if((timedatainput.year>=2000U)&&(timedatainput.year<=2100)&&((timedatainput.month>=1)&&(timedatainput.month<=12))\ &&((timedatainput.day>=1)&&(timedatainput.day<=31))&&((timedatainput.hour>=0)&&...
("init time:%s \n",ctime(&last_mtime));return 1;}int check_file_change(void){//准备结构体 ST status;//调用stat函数int res = stat(filename,&status);if(-1 == res){perror("error:open file fail\n");return 0;}// printf("old:%s new:%s",ctime(&last_mtime),ctime(&status.st_...
CWindow::CheckRadioButton 检查指定的单选按钮。 CWindow::ChildWindowFromPoint 检索包含指定点的子窗口。 CWindow::ChildWindowFromPointEx 检索包含指定点的特定子窗口类型。 CWindow::ClientToScreen 将客户端坐标转换为屏幕坐标。 CWindow::Create 创建一个窗口。 CWindow::CreateCaret 为系统插入符号创建一个新形状。
checkout (n., adj.), check out (v.) One word except as a verb. checksum One word. child’s Apple Account Use to refer to an Apple Account that’s set up for a child as part of a Family Sharing group. Don’t usechild Apple Account. ...
The WIN32K_POWER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT bug check has a value of 0x0000019C. This indicates that Win32k did not turn the monitor on in a timely manner. Important This article is for programmers. If you're a customer who has received a blue screen error code while using your computer, seeTroub...
1Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)When we think of our childhood, we often think of it as a time of long school holidays, a time of exploration. As well as growing new talents, we also think of this stage of...
CRecordset::CheckRowsetError调用以处理记录提取期间生成的错误。C++ 复制 virtual void CheckRowsetError(RETCODE nRetCode); 参数nRetCode ODBC API 函数返回代码。 有关详细信息,请参阅“备注”。注解此虚拟成员函数处理在提取记录时发生的错误,并在批量行提取期间非常有用。 可能需要考虑重写 CheckRowsetError ...