}intmain(){test_1();// test_2();return0; } 编译:gcc -g -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage main.cpp 此时,目录结构如下,GCC生成了一个main.gcno文件: main.cppmain.gcnoa.out 执行:./a.out 此时,目录结构如下,程序运行后生成了一个 main.gcda 覆盖率文件 main.cppmain.gcnomain.gcdaa.out 调用g...
3 3、进行业务功能测所 4 4、收集测试数据,进入到$XXX_HOME目录下,执行lcov -d ./ -b -c -o testresult.info 5 5、生成HTML报告 genhtml -o testresult testresult.info 6 6、下载查看结果,将testresult 下载到本地进行观看.注意事项 附录:lcov的安装 ,需要使用root账户登陆,执行rpm -ivh lcov-1...
COVTOOL is an open source test coverage analyzer for C++ programs. It lets you dynamically instrument your source code as you compile. An instrumented program keeps track of the lines of code that were executed during its run and produces a log of the same upon program termination. Multiple p...
• Concrete test case (low level test case) :详细测试用例 • Concurrency testing:并发测试 • Condition:条件表达式 • Condition combination coverage:条件组合覆盖率 • Condition coverage:条件覆盖率 • Condition determination coverage:条件判定覆盖率 • Condition determination testing:条件判定测试 ...
Describes ATAC (Automatic Test Analysis for C), a tool for data flow coverage testing of C programs. ATAC is being used as a research instrument at Purdue and Bellcore and as a software development tool at Bellcore. The authors discuss the design of ATAC, a preliminary view of its uses ...
TestRe-readSymbolsRebuildTest ysis ysis GenerateTestCase:生成并执试用例ClearCoverageCoverageSourceChangeToolbarShowTooltilesRuleWizardProjectTreeMainGUIPanelOutputMessagePanel快捷菜单:在SourceCodeEditSourceSearchRefreshShowCoverageTextProperties ysis在静态分析栏中的Results是对静态分析结果的一个罗列。每个红色精灵帽都...
cover n andv cover on it cover or roll up in cover power test cover up ones tracks cover-uncover test coverage areas coverage objective st coverageelectrode coverdeficit covered arc welding covered celadon vase covered floating roof covered their tracks covered with pots coveredfloormoulding covering...
can be gengle but pow can be trusted in tim can be used can be used as a tool can best implement th can by no means can can you can cargo express ltd can carry on fathers can ch verdoros only can could can counseling be rea can country assistanc can dance can end press can fi...
1. Coverage tool for Java Program:EMMA EMMA之所以入选,一它是完全开源的,免费的,二它包含了覆盖工具的大部分功能,且不需要任何扩展lib的支持,三我只学习了它 1.1 EMMA工作原理: EMMA 是通过向 .class 文件中插入字节码的方式来跟踪记录被运行代码信息的 ...
"Just a tool". It which includes into IDE and then 'just works'. But in comparing with other coverage parsers (this plugin and majority of another tools don't perform coverage themselves; they just parse results came from executable built with coverage g