java中如果需要将一个object转成list,大部分人会直接使用强制类型转换:(List<String>) obj这样。这样...
public class SuppressWarningTest { /** * SuppressWarnings: 抑制警告, 参数是数组, 可以是一个元素也可以是多个, 多个则用{}括起来 * * 1.unchecked: 不检查 * * 2.deprcation: 抑制不建议使用的方法的警告 * */ @SuppressWarnings(value = {"unchecked", "deprecation"}) public static void main...
cppcheck --enable=warning,performance,portability,information,missingInclude --suppress=missingIncludeSystem yourfile.cpp 这个命令将启用所有的警告,性能,可移植性,信息和缺失包含的检查,但是会抑制系统缺失包含的警告。 你可以在Cppcheck的官方手册中找到更多关于如何使用这些参数的信息。手册中详细介绍了每个参数的用...
Note that within a function body, the last setting of the warning pragma will be in effect for the entire function.The warning pragma also supports the following syntax:#pragma warning( push [ **,**n ] )#pragma warning( pop )Where n represents a warning level (1 through 4)....
Suppress CMake warnings: --- stderr: realsense2_camera_msgs CMake Warning (dev) at /opt/ros/humble/share/rosidl_generator_py/cmake/rosidl_generator_py_generate_interfaces.cmake:20 (find_package): Policy CMP0148 is not set: The FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs modules are removed. Run ...
这是我用于C ++代码的一组额外的偏执标志: -g -O -Wall -Weffc++ -...
请注意,message(WARNING)函数只是输出警告消息,它不会改变CMake的处理过程。如果你想在发生错误时停止CMake的处理过程,你应该使用message(FATAL_ERROR)函数。 AUTHOR_WARNING AUTHOR_WARNING模式在CMake中用于输出开发者警告。这种模式的警告只有在CMAKE_SUPPRESS_DEVELOPER_WARNINGS变量为FALSE时才会显示。这个变量默认为FAL...
take care not to put it in the "common" section, as this would suppress it for C++, where it actually is illegal. Resolves #7253 and #7254. Pull request type [ ] Fix [X] Refactor [ ] New target [ ] Feature [ ] Breaking change IAR: Suppress C "bypasses initialization" warning …...
cppcheck --enable=warning,performance,portability,information,missingInclude --suppress=missingIncludeSystem yourfile.cpp 1. 这个命令将启用所有的警告,性能,可移植性,信息和缺失包含的检查,但是会抑制系统缺失包含的警告。 你可以在Cppcheck的官方手册中找到更多关于如何使用这些参数的信息。手册中详细介绍了每个参数...
You can turn off the warning for a specific line of code by using thewarningpragma,#pragma warning(suppress : 5105). You can also turn off the warning within a file by using the warning pragma,#pragma warning(disable : 5105). You can turn off the warning globally in command-line builds...