1、C++定义的结构名、联合名、枚举名 都是 类型名,可以直接用于变量的声明或定义。即在C++中定义变量时不必在结构名、联合名、枚举名 前加上前缀struct、union、enum。 例如有如下头文件(head.h) //head.henumcolor {red,blak,white,blue,yellow};structstudent {charname[6];intage;intnum;}; union score ...
<struct-or-union-specifier> ::= <struct-or-union> <identifier> "{" {<struct-declaration>}+ "}" //结构或联合说明符 | <struct-or-union> "{" {<struct-declaration>}+ "}" | <struct-or-union> <identifier> <struct-or-union> ::= "struct" //结构体,共用体 | "union" <struct-declar...
一、C语言常见专业词汇中英文对照 英文中文 identifier标识符 keyword关键字 operator运算符 constant常量 pointer指针 Structure结构体 Include包含(导入头文件) stdio.h输入输出头文件 void不返回任何值 main主要 printf打印、输出 IDE集成开发环境 sourceFile源文件 warning警告 Project工程 int整型 shortint短整型 unsigned...
auto double int struct break else long switch case enum register typedef char extern return union const float short unsigned for signed void default goto sizeof volatile do if static while continue 3. 标识符 identifier : nodigit identifier nodigit identifier digit nodigit : _ a b c d e f ...
《C程序设计基础(英文版)》是电子工业出版社出版的图书,作者是汪芳 等。内容简介 编程技术是信息技术中最重要的技能和工具之一,它是连接信息和计算机的桥梁。掌握并熟练使用编程语言已成为所有大学生必备的技能。 C语言是高级编程语言的先驱,也是最重要和最流行的语言之一。本书的目标是引导初学者进入程序设计的...
assignment n.赋值 double :声明双精度变量或函数 floating point number浮点数 int: 声明整型变量或函数 proliferation n.增服 struct:声明结构体变量或函数 high-level language高级语 break:跳出当前循环pointer n.指针 natural language 自然语言 else :条件语句否定分支(与 if 连用) array n.数组矩阵, long :声...
struct person * b = &a;printf( "a.firstname = %sn", a.firstname ); printf( "b->firstname = %sn", b->firstname ); } a.firstname = Bob b->firstname = Bob Structures and unions will be covered in another tutorial. Another little used operator is the ‘,’ (comma) which tak...
->- Structure pointer operator (will be discussed in the next tutorial) Suppose, you want to access thesalaryofperson2. Here's how you can do it. person2.salary Example 1: C structs #include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>// create struct with person1 variablestructPerson{charname[50];int...
OperatorExampleSame as = a = b a = b += a += b a = a+b -= a -= b a = a-b *= a *= b a = a*b /= a /= b a = a/b %= a %= b a = a%b Example 3: Assignment Operators // Working of assignment operators #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a = 5, c...