; printf("Original string: %s\n", str); convertToUpperCase(str); printf("Uppercase string: %s\n", str); convertToLowerCase(str); printf("Lowercase string: %s\n", str); return 0; } 复制代码 这个示例展示了如何将一个字符串转换为大写和小写。convertToUpperCase()和convertToLowerCase()函数...
("Enter a string: "); gets(str); for( i = 0; str[ i ]; i++) str[ i ] = toupper( str[ i ] ); printf("%s\n", str); /* uppercase string */ for(i = 0; str[ i ]; i++) str[i] = tolower(str[ i ]); printf("%s\n", str); /* lowercase string */ return ...
Let’s see how to utilize the in-built method strlwr() in C language to change an uppercase text to a lowercase one. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> intmain() { chars[80]; printf("Enter uppercase String: "); ...
isupper :Check if character is uppercase letter (function) isxdigit :Check if character is hexadecimal digit (function) tolower:Convert uppercase letter to lowercase (function) toupper:Convert lowercase letter to uppercase (function) 内存操作: void * memcpy(void * s1, const void * s2, size_t...
I got this code.. now the challenging part is my prof asked me to make a program which asks the user to input an uppercased word. The problem is, she wants the program to automatically transform each inputted letter in uppercase even if the user's keyboard is not in capslock mode.....
String ans;boolsuccess =false;while(cin >>ans) { ans.stringlow();//converts string to lowercasefor(inti =0; i <3; i++) {if(ans == rgb[i])//overloaded == operator{ cout<<"That's right!\n"; success=true;break; } }if(success)break;elsecout<<"Try again!\n"; ...
#include<stdio.h>chartoLowerCase(char ch){if(ch>='A'&&ch<='Z'){returnch+('a'-'A');}returnch;}intmain(){char uppercase='D';char lowercase=toLowerCase(uppercase);printf("转换前:%c,转换后:%c\n",uppercase,lowercase);return0;} ...
这时,如果我们调用lowercaseString方法就会实际调用uppercaseString的方法,反之亦然。 然而!在实际应用中,只交换已经存在的两个方法是没有太大意义的。我们应该利用这个特性来给既有的方法添加新功能(听上去吊吊的): 它的实现原理是:先通过分类增加一个新方法,然后将这个新方法和要增加功能的旧方法替换(旧方法名 对...
_and_upper(){std::cout<<std::endl;std::cout<<"std::is_lower and std::is_upper: "<<std::endl;charthought[]{"The C++ programming language is one of the most used on the planet"};std::size_t lowercase_count{};std::size_t uppercase_count{};std::cout<<"Original string: "<<...
printf("转换前:%c,转换后:%c\n", uppercase, lowercase); return 0; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 这里的toLowerCase函数通过比较字符是否是大写字母,然后通过ASCII码的运算得到对应的小写字母。 4. 实际应用 ...