#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<cstddef>intmain(){strings1="The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick";stringkey="sixth";intfindpos=s1.find(key);while(findpos!=string::npos){s1.replace(findpos,key.size(),"seventh");findpos=s1.find(key);}cout<<s1<<endl;return0;} 在这里...
int key=find(str1,str2); 其中str1、str2都是string类型,函数的意思是在str1中查找str2第一次出现的位置并返回这个值,如果不存在则返回-1 strstr()函数: char *str3=strstr(str1,str2); str1,str2均为char*类型,函数的意思是在str1中查找str2,返回第一次出现str2的地址,如果没有找到则返回空 例如...
cout << "Original string: " << str << endl; revstr(str); cout << "Reversed string: " << str << endl; revstr_p(str); cout << "Reversed string using pointer: " << str << endl; revstr_recursive(str,0,strlen(str)-1); cout << "Reversed string using recursive: " << str ...
Dictionary<string, string>是一个泛型 他本身有集合的功能有时候可以把它看成数组 他的结构是这样的:Dictionary<[key], [value]> 他的特点是存入对象是需要与[key]值一一对应的存入该泛型 通过某一个一定的[key]去找到对应的值 举个例子: //实例化对象 Dictionary<int, string> dic = new Dictionary<int, ...
String的key可以使用以下指令查看key所占的内存大小,但是不推荐使用对cpu的使用率比较高,所以String类型可以通过strlen key来查看长度大概估算大小,集合-拿list举例可以使用llen key来查看集合长度,大概估算大小 memory usage key 1. Scan扫描的简单实现 final static int STR_MAX_LEN = 10 * 1024; ...
std::cout << "Key = " << node.first << " Value = " << node.second << std::endl; } return 0; } java import java.util.HashMap; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建hash对象 HashMap<Integer, String> hashTable = new HashMap<Integer, String>(...
// Pass through argument.cbHash=20;// define cbHash to the size of a SHA1// string- there is no need for a 2 pass// call to determine size of cbHash.//---// Allocate memory for the pbHash bufferif(!(pbHash= (BYTE *)malloc(cbHash)) MyHandleError("Memory allocation failed."...
// key-value pair return type for next_key() class kv_t { public: std::string key; int value; }; 添加一个函数每次返回一个key,当key字符串为空时表示遍历结束,继续调用的话就又从头开始遍历: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // to iterate all keys kv_t next_key() const { static size_t from...
That holds for large lists or tuples of strings, but fails as soon as you need more complex logic, like sorting dictionaries by a string key, or producing the "sorted order" permutation. The latter is very common in database engines and is most similar to numpy.argsort. Current String...