#include<iostream>#include<string>intmain(){std::string str="Hello, World!";// 查找特殊字符的索引size_t index=str.find_first_of("!@#$%^&*()");if(index!=std::string::npos){std::cout<<"特殊字符的索引为: "<<index<<std::endl;}else{std::cout<<"未找到特殊字符"<<std::en...
一、find_first_of () 介绍: find_first_of 有两种形式: InputIteratorfind_first_of(InputIteratorbeg,InputIteratorend, ForwardIteratorsearchBeg,ForwardItreratorsearhcEnd) InputIteratorfind_first_of(InputIteratorbeg,InputIteratorend, ForwardIteratorsearchBeg,ForwardItreratorsearhcEnd, BinaryPredicateop) 1. 2...
14int main() { 15 string s = "To be or not to be is a question"; 16 string vowel = "aeiou"; 17 18 // first vowel in s 19 cout << "First vowel in s " << endl; 20 { 21 string::iterator c = find_first_of(s.begin(), s.end(), vowel.begin(), vowel.end()); 22 ...
STL的C++标准程序库中的string类,使用时不必担心内存是否充足、字符串长度等问题,并且C++中的string类作为一个类,其中集成的操作函数(方法)足以完成多数情况下的程序需求,比如说string对象可以用"="进行赋值,使用"=="进行等值比较,使用"+"进行串联。 如果要使用C++的string类必须包含头文件,并引入命名空间: 1 #inc...
(VB、VFP),但C++无论Standard Library或STL都找不到相对应方法,以下的方式是由希冀blog中的C++中如何去掉std::string对象的首尾空格改编而来,加上了pass by reference适合function使用,其中std::string所提供的find_first_not_of()和find_last_not_of()真是大开眼界,竟然还有这种method,可以找寻第一个不符合...
CString常用方法简介 CString::Compare int Compare( LPCTSTR lpsz ) const; 返回值 字符串一样 返回0 小于lpsz 返回-1 大于lpsz 返回1 区分大小字符 CString s1( "abc" ); CString s2( "abd" ); ASSERT( s1.Compare( s2 ) == -1 );
在下文中一共展示了stringc::findLast方法的4个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: getFileBasename ▲点赞 6▼ //! returns the base part of a filename, i.e. all except for the directory//! par...
constitutional law 20 constitutional monarc constitutional repeat constitutionalprincip constitutionofthemain constitutiondaynorway constitutive relation constitutive requirem constitutive rules constracted servce cu constraint and smartp constricting type constriction experime constringence constringency converg constru ...
cscwcomputer supporte csdbms csdmn csdrchildfirstprogram cse container service cse coreservicedataun cserialport csetc csfv capture probe csgconstructie solid csgt csh csi computersciencesi csi container securit csi commandstringinte csi smallville csi lv csicustomer satisfact csiklovaite csl computerstr...
First, <string> no longer includes <iterator>. Second, <tuple> now declares std::array without including all of <array>, which can break code through the following combination of code constructs: your code has a variable named "array", and you have a using-directive "using namespace std;...