{returnend;}}}voidQuickSortHoare(int*a,int begin,int end){int left=begin;int right=end;if(left>=right){return;}int midi=GetMidi(a,begin,end);//这里key的取值是首元素,尾元素,中间元素,这三个数取中间大小的值,可以提升一点效率Swap(&a[begin],&a[midi]);int keyi=begin;while(left<right...
def sort_third(l): non_divisible = [] divisible = [] for i, num in enumerate(l): if i % 3 != 0: non_divisible.append(num) else: divisible.append(num) divisible.sort() result = [] d_index = 0 nd_index = 0 for i in range(len(l)): if i % 3 !
This property can also be used to specify complex sorting. To do so, a virtual attribute can be declared in terms of a key-value pair in the array. The key refers to the name of the virtual attribute that may appear in the sort request, while the value specifies the definition of the...
voidinsertionSort(int*arr,intsize){// 外循环控制次数for(inti=0;i<size;++i){// 当前未排序的元素intkey=arr[i];intj=i-1;// 将 arr[0,i-1] 中大于 key 的元素向后移动while(j>=0&&arr[j]>key){arr[j+1]=arr[j];j--;}// 元素移动完成后,将元素插入正确位置arr[j+1]=key;}} 四...
//一次排序intOneSort1(int*a,int left,int right)//使keyi位置的元素处于正确的位置上{int mid=GetMid(a,left,right);Swap(&a[mid],&a[left]);//现在left处是三者的中间值了//左边第一个为key,右边先走才能保证相遇处比啊a[keyi]小int keyi=left;while(left<right){while(a[right]>=a[keyi]...
{//---// Some sort of error occurred in acquiring the context.// This is most likely due to the specified container// not existing. Create a new key container.if(GetLastError() == NTE_BAD_KEYSET) {if(CryptAcquireContext( &hCryptProv, pszContainerName,NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL...
接着,依次从未排序区间中取出一个元素插入到已排序区间中的恰当位置,直到未排序区间中的元素全部插入完毕,排序完成。以下是 C 语言实现的插入排序算法:c复制代码void insertionSort(int arr[], int n) { int i, key, j; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { key = arr[i]; // 取出当前...
{//---// Some sort of error occurred in acquiring the context.// This is most likely due to the specified container// not existing. Create a new key container.if(GetLastError() == NTE_BAD_KEYSET) {if(CryptAcquireContext( &hCryptProv, pszContainerName,NULL, PROV_RSA_FUL...
bsearch函数的第一个参数是一个指针常量,指向要查找的数据的地址。地址存放的就是要查找的数据,可以是基础数据类型(一般都是整型),或者用自定义数据类型(比如结构体)按照键值对(key -> value)的形式进行封装起来。在函数调用时,参数类型要强制转换为实际的数据类型。参数:const void * ptr bsearch函数的第...