None of the infants with bleeding had been delivered by C - section. 剖腹产婴儿无一例合并出血. 互联网 Therefore, you cannot prevent infecting your newborn by choosing to have a C - section. 因此, 您无法通过选择剖腹产来避免将病毒传染给您的新生婴儿. ...
剖腹产英文叫C-section,这一名称是Caesarean section(也称为Cesarean section)的简洁口语化表述。以下是关于剖腹产英文名称由来的详细解释: 一、名称由来 C-section的名称与古罗马时期的凯撒大帝(Julius Cesar)有关。据传,凯撒大帝是通过剖腹产手术出生的,这种手术方式因此被命...
C-section 美 英 n.剖腹产术 复数:C-sections 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 剖腹产术 释义: 全部,剖腹产术
词汇c-section 释义 C-section noun[ C or U ] mainly US(alsoc-section)uk /ˈsiːˌsek.ʃən/ us /ˈsiːˌsek.ʃən/ an operation in which the uterus is cut open to allow a baby to be born: 部腹产手术 Doctors had to perform an emergency C-section.医生不得不紧急...
1、section的作用 section主要作用是将函数或者变量放在指定段中,这样就可在指定的位置取出。 //section demo with gcc #include "stdio.h" int __attribute__((section("my_fun"))) test1(int a,int b) { return (a+b); } int test(int b) ...
C-section (Cesarean Delivery) 剖宫产 Acesarean section, often referred to as ac-section, is a surgical procedure, in which incisions are made in a woman's abdomen and uterus to deliver a baby. 剖宫产,通常称为剖腹产,是在女性腹部和子宫处做切口,分娩胎...
<摘要>本文介绍了section关键字的作用,以及在SDK实现开机自启动的应用。 1、section的作用 section主要作用是将函数或者变量放在指定段中,这样就可在指定的位置取出。 //section demo with gcc #include"stdio.h" int__attribute__((section("my_fun"))) test1(inta,intb) ...
“剖腹产”这个词大家肯定不陌生,在英语里面叫做“C—section,全称是Caesarean section。 Caesarean是Caesar的形容词, 而Caesar就是古罗马帝国的凯撒大帝。也就是说,英语里的剖腹产(C—section)跟这个古罗马帝国的皇帝有不可分割的联系。 盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒(Gaius Julius Caesar,公元前102年7月12日—公元前44...
c-section[ 'si:,sekʃən ] n.the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way) 同义词:cesarean deliverycaesarean deliverycaesarian deliverycesarean sectioncesarian sectioncaesarean sectioncaesarian sectioncesare...
c-section=cesarean section 所以“c”在这里是“cesarean”的缩写,是“剖腹的,凯撒的”意思。c-section n.剖腹产 同义词:cesarean delivery 例句:1、Fluid had gathered around her C-section and her blood pressure was very low.释义:医生们发现她的血压很低,同时剖腹产切口处有液体潴留。2...