"trace: run_command: running exit handler for pid %" PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)p->pid ); process->clean_on_exit_handler(process); } } kill(p->pid, sig); if (p->process && p->process->wait_after_clean) { p->next = children_to_wait_for; children_to_wait_for = p...
int run_command(struct child_process *cmd) { int code = start_command(cmd); if (code) return code; return finish_command(cmd); } static void prepare_run_command_v_opt(struct child_process *cmd, const char **argv, int opt) ...
"trace: run_command: running exit handler for pid %" PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)p->pid ); process->clean_on_exit_handler(process); } }kill(p->pid, sig);if (p->process && p->process->wait_after_clean) { p->next = children_to_wait_for; ...
1//执行完后再执行下一行代码2voidrun1(){3system("calc");4system("notepad");5}67//同时并行8voidrun2(){9system("start calc");10system("start notepad");11} 如果执行run1()方法,则只有关闭了计算器,才会打开记事本; 如果执行run2()方法,则计算器和记事本会同时打开。 二、打开指定文目录、应...
Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND A self-sufficient runtime for containers Options: --config string Location of client config files (default "/root/.docker") -D, --debug Enable debug mode -H, --host list Daemon socket(s) to connect to ...
F5 - Send a run command to GDB. F6 - Send a continue command to GDB. F7 - Send a finish command to GDB. F8 - Send a next command to GDB. F10 - Send a step command to GDB. 更多快捷键见【这里】,这下单步和断点比原来轻松多啦,你基本可以呆在源代码窗口里不出来,大部分时候不用再到...
SOURCE_DIR>/runtime/Cpp<SOURCE_DIR>/runtime/CppLOG_CONFIGUREON#--Build step---#BUILD_COMMAND${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM}LOG_BUILDON#--Install step---#INSTALL_COMMAND""#INSTALL_DIR${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/#--Install step---#INSTALL_COMMAND"") 下载完之后编译这个过程,基本不需要额外的配置,会自动编译...
cmd :=exec.Command("sh","-c", tcpdumpCmd)varoutb, errb bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr= &errb err=cmd.Run()iferr !=nil {if!errors.Is(err, &exec.ExitError{}) { logrus.Infof("out:%s ; %s", outb.Bytes(), errb.Bytes())returngetPacs(errb.String()), nil ...
status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); g_object_unref (app); return status; } 如果直接弄到 Visual Studio Code 里面是跑不起来的, 总 ** 的报错。 建立一个文件夹, 也就是目录。 例如: mkdir /home/wenxue/workspace/hellvsc ...
您可以通过如下链接查看门禁报告:http://ci.openharmony.cn/workbench/cicd/detail/67bfd9af64650f998b64bdba/runlist 静态检查: #check typeresultreport 1 codeCheck noPass >>>编译测试: #Devicebuild resulttest resultpackage 1 hispark_taurus_LiteOS success success >>> 2 dayu200_xts success NA >>> ...