C/C++ roadmap 呵呵 今天总结了下CPP的学习之路. 其他的语言就简单了 学VB,直接看VB就行了.完事了就可以开发了.ASP可能起步要复杂点,毕竟你要先熟悉这个web的运作概念而不是双击一个按钮就可以编码的. 学C#,直接看C#,完事了就可以开发windows应用程序和网页ASPX网站了,但是由于整合的知识很多,所以还是花时间,期...
推荐你这个C++ developer的Roadmap,上面是一部分的截图,详细请看:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/...
Laszlo's Roadmap 2004-12-20 16:30 −Laszlo开发分为2个分枝: LPS 2.2是主枝,优先负责稳定性和修复bug,这个是商业化的推荐方向,同时该版本的不支持3.0的特性。 LPS 3.0是开发版分枝。LPS 3.0的主要特性是不依赖服务器的部署方式、支持Unicode、整合浏览器、调整应用程序大小和速度。由LPS 3... ...
excited by the possibilities of a new UN Decade of Action and further cooperation with our friends and partners at CATRAC and C-NCAP. We very much look forward to co-hosting the next Global NCAP World Congress in Tianjin in 2022. This important meeting will feature our 2030 Road Map for ...
Delete a project or roadmap If you want to completely delete both the Project or Roadmap tab in Teams and the underlying project or roadmap, follow these steps. To delete a project In your team channel, select the Project tab of the project you want to delete. ...
Welcome to RoadmapApplies ToProject Online Note: Don't see Roadmap? You may not have the right license, or your admin needs to enable it. Overview Use Roadmap to: Create a view of your organization's projects and drive them together to achieve your business goals. Connect directly to ...
地平线征程系列芯片 Roadmap 在商业落地上,地平线一直与世界领先的整车厂和一级供应商保持着紧密合作,是当前中国唯一实现汽车智能芯片前装量产的科技企业,已实现超过 16 万片的芯片前装出货。地平线创始人 &CEO 余凯曾表示,汽车行业有它固有的规律和时间表,车规级的芯片,从研发、立项,到跟主机厂定点,到...
ERTRAC 发布的《Connected Automated Driving Roadmap》,阐述不同道路等级可为车辆提供的信息及服务。我国中国公路学会《智能网联道路系统分级标准》(征求意见稿)从交通基础设施信息化、智能化、自动化发展的角度,对交通基础设施系统进行分级。清华与百度 apollo 发布的《面向自动驾驶的车路协同关键技术与展望 2.0》在...
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ Here are some exciting tasks on our roadmap: - 📚 **RAG Integration**: Experience first-class retrieval augmented generation support, enabling chat with your documents. - 🌐 **Web Browsing Capability**: Experience the convenience of seamlessly integrating web content...